
…can lick my sac.

a couple months ago i wanted to upgrade to unlimited texts from 1000/month.
when i did so i changed from that smart access plan to a normal plan because iw as with them over a year or however that works…now since they changed that plan apparently they accidently had me on 0 texts…but when i called the automated robot bitch she said i currently have unlimited text messaging…so i used as many as i want which was near 4000…

they said the only thing they could do for me is subtract 1000 worth since thats what i had before…so woopty dooo i still have to pay for almost 3000 texts…

so i tried texting some broad this mornign and it was unable to send…so i tried calling…also didnt work…i call 611…they tell me until i pay 380 dollars, i can only receive incoming texts/calls and cant make outgoing…

WTF. i want to shit in tmobiles mouth

that blows, i would cancel with a company for pulling that shit

i thought about it - but theres a 200 something fee for breaking contract plus id still have to pay the 380 plus unless i get my phone unlocked the cost of a new phone at cingular or wherever

Start bitching and don’t stop.

Then switch to a service that doesn’t suck.

Good luck finding one.

t mobile sucks irregaurdlessly

verizon ftw


Verizon FTMFW +1

yeah, tmobile does blow… I hope the company DIAF

just keep calling and bitching. they’ll usually give in. if the person your talking to doesn’t wanna give in, talk to their boss and continue on until your satisfied.

you should NOT have pay for shit that they fucked up on.

That’s surprising. I had T-Mobile for a couple of years and their customer service was always really good. I ended up dropping them like a bad habit though. I got sick of not getting a signal at all in remote locations like Amherst and West Seneca. :bloated: When I was with T-Mobile I had a better cell phone signal on the west coast of Africa than I did in Buffalo.

talk to a rep, make sure the change is taken care of, and then see if they will go back and re-rate your last months bill as if you had the new txt plan. i know that i can normally get this done on VZW.

if you have a decent phone, sell it on ebay to get the 200 back and start over with someone else. or if you like it, unlock it, go to cingular, get a free phone from them, and sell that to pay the 200 fee.

yeah your just going to have to talk to a rep and tell them whats up. Be polite.

Tmobile sucks nuts, i had them, the coverage was shitty.

have that guy at the mall that u talked to give them a call like he said he would. i wouldnt pay it man, call everyday and continue to bitch, they will probably drop it eventually

That’s what you get for soliciting sex via text messages.

you’re right, most of my texts are very sexual - rarrrr

4000 / 30 days = 133 a day…

even counting in and out, thats 60 back and forths… calm down on the texting and try making an actual phone call! lol

i hate talking to people on the phone…takes too long…i like texting 'cause its just to the point…a lot of it is AIM too…last month i did about 7000 texts haha

I hate Tmobile with the fire of a thousand suns… i somehow got locked into a 2 year contract… the service sucks… and so do the phones. FUCK YOU Tmobile.