multiple flat screens help with this! :bigok:
I make due by pushing various buttons at the bottom of my screen…
i work hard at doing nothing. but im not too good at it
hire me you know you need the help:greddy:
I sit here and take phone calls… moving to TS Apple Desktops… wooo, more useless knowledge i will never get to use in a real job :crying:
i do alot of work, but i take pittspeed breaks too
after 2 straight days of Active Directory Federation Services, you bet your sweet ass I take pittspeed, vwvortex and racepa breaks…
I love dual monitor set-ups. I really need to pick another one up for my laptop.
I do detailing so if its slow(which it has been )I jump on one of the salesmans computers and surf the web.
So you’re the guy that thinks you just push a button to do the engineering and the answers pop out of the computer in under 1 hour. You bastard.
throwing mulch, cutting grass and trimming hedges is fun in this weather
a&l bmw in monroeville
i wish i ahd the ability to do absolutely nothing during work :dunno:
haha…no not at all. I was an engineering major when I first went into college. I realized I like math…but not that much…so I have a slight understanding on how much work is involved. I am the guy who sets and watches over budgets and makes sure charges are where they are going where they need to be…among a ton of other task I have.
I work… BUT… its super easy computer work, so a days work can be done in an hour unless someone comes in for an estimate, which takes 15-20 min. Other than that… im either cooking in the kitchen or browsing the net until I cant browse anymore… which gets annoying in its own… then if we are really dead… i go down to the river and fish!
off today ftw
Being the General manager, plus being the IT manager, plus having my own office equals ample opportunity to be online. A lot of what i do, i am online for, so i usually have firefox running with 8-10 tabs, so i can check things and bounce around.
i dont even get to see a computer when im at work
:bigthumb: :bigok: