Atsa lotta Family Guy!

I was going through my old shit and came across some screen caps of when windoze hiccupped and I got kicked off of DC and had no idea why at first. Just thought I’d share…

Mmm a Petrabyte of Family Guy…

Holy shit haha. That amount of storage would definately cost $$$$ just for family guy lol.

Also… how cute, downloading Mariah @ 535kb/sec haha

:rofl: Hey man, shit’s quality.

How the hell did it display that? Thats an awesome error though, never seen anything like that.

I have no clue what happened. The screen caps show everything I know, then I rebooted and all was normal again.

Wow, awesome chance for bragging right haha. Definately a cool error.

And to think someday a PB will be our GB… :open_mouth:

lol in DC++ you can fake share too

but shameless plug…

UBDC is at 1656 people and 50Tb :slight_smile:

but to be honest i didn’t know if windows did actually show Pb lol now i know

I havent used DC++ in years…maybe I’ll look back into it if there are tons of files.

DC++ is great for large local networks… but other than that… its nothing to rave about

thats rediculous. memory is getting cheap.