att playstatrion 3 call of duty players

soo some ppl know i do the occasional job for the movie theaters around the GTA and iv found out that you can rent a theater to play PS3 or xbox or what not… since xbox is gay me and some buddys are going to rent set theater and have a call of duty game going… im just looking for some interest it will probably be about 20 bucks a person bring your own controller.

in any case let me know whos interested in something like this…

my user name on ps3 is w_r_e_n_c_h240 and i should be on for a bit tonight playing some zombies… whos down?

this is definitely awesome
i’m in!

im in 2…i love cod

Oh shit. This sounds sick!

I’m trash at COD tho. Lets get some GT5:P going, ill bring the game.

i like dolphins

X Box here but COD 4 is great, modern warfare 2 is coming out.