Attempted a tire change at walmart...

Then whose tools do they use? Magic fairy tool princess comes down and give you the impact and socket?

Either they own their own tools and use only theirs to complete the work they are given. Or they are provided with tools, in which Walmart should have provided the tech with said 17mm. No mater which, my comments still stand valid, Tech is ill-equipped to simply remove lugnuts, or the entire establishment or at least the tire center is ill-equipped to do business… take your pick.

I agree fully that the amsterdam one is full on shit mostly because of the population working and patronizing said store. But so is the Johnstown/gloversville one, the scotia one, the albany one next to X-gates… All of which I had the pleasure to attending and hating every moment. Name one GREAT, over the top, excellent, stupendous, every employee… never mind that… more than 1/3 of the employees on shift are go-getters, willing to stop what they are doing and graciously assist others with 110% respect every step of the way to and from my car. Naahhhhhgunnahappen.