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You need to stop taking up space @ 1st try.


First off ass clown when was the last time you have done anything remotely productive at First Try? Besides use a half a can of right stuff to install a nitrous nozzle which you fucked up and need to be replaced, or when u drilled screws into your steering column and into the turn signal/instrument lighting switch to install your boost gauge, or how bout the time you cleaned the shop you just shoved everything under the 55, the jeep, the desk, and the work bench, and when I had to put your car on the lift because you didnt know how to. Dan what do you actually do when you come down to the shop? You do nothing but run your mouth on a car that technically doesnt move andthen you get fucking emo about it. You clearly have no right to even call me out on taking up space at First Try. So Dan STFU:finger2:


I think I went ahead and nailed it right at the end of the month… you know when paul gets his period.

Hey neckless…please dont tell me about emo when your entire watrobe is all black as well as your nail polish and stevey wonder glasses. Please this is what the 5th thread you have put my name in in the past month… do you have some kind of envy for me or my car? It seems thats all you really talk about is one or the other.

why does he leave when i show up?

dont know thats kind of weird?

u fag,not paul

yes I was talking about me sir… Sorry about backing into your grass…


so why do you and quik share the same avatar?

burnyd and paul…both of you stfu and take the tampon out of your vagina’s! god damn every other day you two are arguing with each other about stupid ass shit. I don’t argue this much with my ex girlfriend! damn just relax get your cars on the road! Fuck I swear to god I could go into my lil bro’s 4th grade class and the maturity level would be higher

^^ Yes and they would have more neck surface also.

and they prolly wouldnt smell like a fucking taco…damn you just dont get it

Dan your car is still wrecked, you have no job or ambtiom of obtaining one, no girl, you live with your parents, and frankly are a complete waste of life and tacos

both of you are fucking gay


how long did your car sit?
how long were you unemployed?
not sure i ever hear you remember talking about a girl.
I could have sworn you lived with your dad.

way to try to scoop me in the relm of emo which you live in… you have a job… you one upped me so bad.

Yes I do live with my parents while going to school… what is wrong with that?

I worked for a company for almost 2 years… I am on vacation yes. Havent you been fired from every airline?

Yes for your info I actually do have a job interview on thursday ask jeff all about I told him about it last night

and I dont ever remember you ever talking about having a girl :kekegayL

Lets start with the car sat cause I didnt have the money.

I was unemployed for less than a week.

I dont talk about anyone because thats my business not yours.

And yes I do live with my father and because I started a new job and Im in and out of town for a month at a time for work. Having an apt would be fucking pointless.

wow… whatever area you guys are from is full of whiney pussies… huh???

for the most part

oh snap.