Burnyd & cheeks

Does it get old having to get dressed like this everyday?

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/dan getting dressed.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/dan getting dressed.jpg)

“Tents & Tarps are us, My Name Is Dan, Im not only an Employee, Im a customer as well”


your such a drama queen… your like a little school giril in her fucking school outfit just waiting to get fucked by mac and then kevin in the front… Just get struck by lightning.

Please kill yourself


Ya chaz! WTF are u thinking?:ban:

prolly thinking your atempt at making a good efighting thread is about as good as you trying to hook up with girls on pittspeed or myspace.

Once again ur comments are weak,try again. U couldn’t even handle half the sex life i have:owned:

Be more specific

which half? :dunno:

cause i know 50% is with Kolar

and 25% is with your hand…

and 25% is in your sleep, soooooo,

50% with ur wife
25% with kolar
25% with cheek’s sister

no family you dick head…

but did cheeks video tape it when you and kolar had sussex? Im sure he did then bought another one of his cars.

sorry 50% kolar and 50% be-rad is a little too much sex for me sir… you can keep it all to yourself.

kudos on the 25% with cheeks sister, :yum:
Kolar has been geting ass slammed for 10 years now so im sure thats like the hotdog in the hallway trick :puke:
and my wifey has had 2 kids, both mine, she’d laugh at you harder then the doctors did when you plopped out on the floor some 26 years ago

Are u sure they are urs? They are young u know:dunno: :cuddle:

:rofl: :rofl:

Do u even sit back u read ur posts? U are seriously weak dan,please let me give ur 10 dollar donation back n u can join the rest of PS where u belong…

duhh… u should dan don’t read…he’s to focused on food and try’n to be cool at e-fighting

Ya…um…take ur skinny ass back to the all u can eat line bitch n try not to post in here becasue u are two things…slow n weak:doh:

well ive been told they look like me, but then again so do you…

how old are you again? Cause i remeber this one night with this one fine older lady…

Sorry,ur grandma doesn’t count as a fine older ladie:stick:

So youre my Uncle, and my son?