Burnyd & cheeks

lol, all out of beers and wipes, sorry.

I can use you socks though… Unk

Wwell as ur unk u can go grab me a slutty ass hokker from liberty ave n a 40 of St Ides u bitch…NOW!

calling ur own owned in a post is :greddy:


watch the family there sir


watch the family there sir

Truth! settle devin!


It’s different when u are joking around n are friends so kiss my ass

no its not

I’ve heard from anonymous parties on more than one occasion of devins apparent love for ‘‘bigger’’ men such as myself and burnyd.

BUT I never believed them till today. Please devin the late nite phone sex texts have to stop(unless you want to pay the .99cents per minute like everyone else) and if you think about me or burnyd getting undressed one more time Im going to be forced to open a PFA

That is all


BTW it is “Headquarters” NOT HEAD qUARTERS. Fix ur sig:rofl:

f u

G comes after F…not U:ugh2:


O aim sorry big bad brian never has anything to say so he has to use “lame” or that gay fucking zzzzzzzzzzz smiley all the time,get a clue

i got a clue,ur a lame fagg0t!!!

sleeper has weak efighting skills

AAAAh i see…,quik is gone so u have to find a new nutsack to ride,i see who it is going to be:hitit:

yay my name was in here… yay

Gold star for u corcky;)
