atten. CRYBABY

at least with a bitch fight there is actually fighting.

yea we’re banned for a day but sammy gets 14 day. thats not fair. if the crybaby actually had a backbone he wouldnt of cried. i say shelby should get a ban just for crying or sammy’s ban shortend

no if it would of been deleted i would be highly fucking pissed. since that right there is terms for permabanned. and the fucker did speak up.

the little fucking cunt knows not to speak up

sam has alot more offenses then the others banned. And sam also continued to post the same post in attempt to be funny multiple times after it was deleted. there is no arguement here

yea but it was all started cause of shelby. if shelby wasnt on PS then sammy probably wouldnt do what he does some of the time. i vote for shorting of sammys ban. he provides alot more usefull things to PS then shelby has ever done or ever will

I have not seen Sam contribute to this forum for years now.
Shelby has as much right being on PS then anyone else does.
Sams ban stands, he knows better to start shit for no reason.

quik you may not like me but what is the point of all this Crybaby posting shit???
i dont see the point… im not e fighting back with you because efighting is gay, only 14 year old emo kids fight with each other over the internet! your opinion is you think im an asshole… OK thats fine with me, now drop it!.. i dont see why you have to keep dragging it on and dragging it on!!

if i get the wheels i get the wheels, if i dont i dont! i dont care what you think

and about this being caused by me?? :rofl:
i brought this to whitey’s attention because it gets out of hand, i dont see a point of posting stupid shit like he does over and over again…

I dont hijack peoples threads and tell them their fucking faggots for no reason, nor do i think its right for people to do it to me or other people for that sake.

This is a car forum, for people who are interested in cars, not fighting with each other like we’re 14. Act mature and if you dont like what someone posts or you dont like their opinions then keep your own opinions to yourself. amen

This forum is E FIGHTING not E WHINING ! ! !

Put your gloves on and go :reloading :reloading :reloading

fuck you faggot!
efighting is gay!

there happy? :dunno:

Quik needs to calm down, this is only the internet and streetnstrip only got banned for 14 days, its not this big of a deal is it

Holy Cow !!!

:ugh2: :dunno: :nuts:



try harder


shut the fuck up, i should have you banned. you spoke of mother. now you should be kissing ass. youre on very very fucking thin ice