Atten Pigblockelcamino

or those who you are scared to lose to

is that some kind of pasta, sounds good right now

i just farted and it really stinks…

my fucking office smells and i have to much shit to do i cant leave it to let it air out…

kinda reminds me of

reading this thread…

check yo pm’s beeotch

mmmmm vengeta… thats what i want for dinner

This is true. Trying to race Quik is definitely some good motivation for Jeff.

:rofl: Jeff has great work ethic but I have never seen him so posessed before.

the sky is blue


haven’t seen that for a while

sorry thats not it. just not worth my fucking time. like some others

and if you want to want to try and talk whens the last time you raced anyone? youre on a car site but you dont do shit with your car…whens the last time you raced? why not go to PRP or FLD? but instead youre like a few others and worry about someone else instead of worring about yourself.

Ill race as long as Brian brings the flatbed cuz dam if Im not gonna break something

its gray here

:rofl: cause i have other priorities than spending every last dime i have into my car.

and i dont race because im still working out bugs, and dont have the time/money to drive 45 min out to PRP and pay $20 to run 3 times and come home.

could of swore last time i was there i got 8 along with some others. so i guess you can use an excuse but no one else can :rolleyes: and i didnt know you had bugs on a combo that was NA for the past 3 years. and you dont need to spend money into the car besides gas to go to the track…just seems like you odnt want to go track cause youre really not up to par at the track[IE racing]

my pizza delivery guy is 12 mins late, im kinda pissed

ok you win… i could care less about how good i am at racing.

mmmmmmmmm pizza