Attention Derrick Corp. Crew

Well I must have totally missed that… ask him what time…because a lot of people were missing after 2:30 break and then were back 20 minutes later. Plus a lot of people weren’t there today…

Right after lunch around 12:30.

Hmm well I missed that…eh oh well. People are fired/layed off regardless

I apologize and hope the best for you and your co-workers.

what exaclty is the derrick corp. ???

A place of employment for about 15% of NySpeed. They manufacture mining equipment.

He still can’t file for unemployment till the following week.

they can lay off steve maples, that guy is an overpaid dick.

Post script:
I have never even worked there.

It’s Monday, better off going in and talking personally to your foreman, little more professional and could be a deciding factor. GL.

GL guys … you know they bring you back in a few months

Yeah, and since you survived the first wave, the second wave I heard is almost a guaranteed call back so we’ll see how this shit storm plays out.

dad inlaw gets called back all the time

yeah this is going to suck…

first lay off they had a meeting at 7am… that was YOUR FIRED list 715am meeting was the call back list… i was on that.

tha the 15th of dec.

that sucks for the guys that work there. i just met the owner tonight, very sincere guy. im sure he wouldnt mind selling his Masserati, or Porsche, or mercedes, or one of the 2 range rovers he owns to help the company.

althought i dont blame him, fuck you guys, id rather have them too.

layoffs suck, good luck guys. I worked there years ago, was involved in a layoff so i know the feeling. That company is VERY up and down, i was just talking to one of the foreman twards the end summer and he was telling me how much work they had and how they cannot keep up, i thought wow thats great! a few months later here they are again, laying off. I know i got called back pretty quick after i was layed off but i rejected their offer to return because i thought the place sucked to work for and had much better opportunities. Moog > *

bobbyg, you mean his Porsches? haha two porsche GT2’s in his garage, unless he sold one idk. I had the secret Derrick garage tour. He does have nice cars/boats

Obama did say he would bankrupt companies that try to use coal for power, that can’t be good for Derrick if they have anything to do with coal mining.

“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

Yay Obama!

There are a lot of other things to mine besides coal.

Thanks, I didn’t know that.