
vid of you saying this to your girlfriends/right hands face/palm

Why would I say that to my HF? She knows better. Sheā€™s not 13ā€¦ we donā€™t sitbehind a keyboard together making posts as a couple on shift518.

Does she ROID? if not, GTFO this is alllll about the RAGGGEEEE!!!

Excuse me? Was anyone fucking talking to you? A mans world you have got to be fucking kidding me she is into cars as much as i am, After all this is a car forum.

There is a lot of stupidity in this thread. Who cares if sheā€™s in this thread or on this forum? Seriously Cliff? I hope youā€™re kidding.

omg you have me loling all over the place.

damn i wish i lived in the 50ā€™s :thumbup

HFā€¦must stand for hand-friend because thatā€™s the only type of ā€˜girl friendā€™ you are going to have with the way you talk.:ponder

You my friend are fucking hilarious. Not really. :retardclap

word, and the last time he spouted off like this towards Nichole on here it turned into me and him ā€œmeeting upā€ to iron out our childish feeling toward one another.

good thing I am crazy jacked now though, he doesnā€™t stand a chance if this swings that way again.

This is shift518ā€¦ quit acting like sheā€™s exempt from getting shit causae she has a vagina. If you donā€™t want her reading remarks tell her to go join a pottery forum.

What the fuck are you talking about? Because i told deadbeat to chill out cause people are busting balls? Go back to your shitty ass forum with your 5 members.

:rofl. This thread.

Would ya just read it?

L2P, not all girls are into pottery/whatever you think girls should be into. Sorry you feel that way.

Nobodys exemptā€¦ but your stepping over the lines a little and looking towards getting a ride from the BANana taker bus.

ā€¦I have been on this board just as long as you have. So why would I go anywhere? Everyone can sit here and bust balls, make fun of people, make a 60+ page thread making fun of other individuals, but the second a girl gets shit everyone flips shit? You serious? Why is a girl exempt from getting shit? How many people on this board make fun of PRā€™s? Thats okayā€¦ but by all means, dont say anything negative towards a female.

you couldnt chill me out with an iceberg made of frozen semen.

ā€¦and youā€™re a mod? Do you have the ability to send me on that bus? I donā€™t think so. What I have said in this thread is nothing compared to the shit that goes on in other threads.

rememberā€¦ RITA LAW


Didnā€™t I throw you out of this thread until you could back up your info!?!?!!?!?! :hug