oh boy… this is entertaining

coke ftw pepsi/steroids ftl

You get your information from hearsay nonsense.

I have never done coke, or even seen the shit in real life. So until you can stop with that shit I’ll go on all day about your little steroid argument and prove you wrong again, and again, and again.


leos talking shit! omg!!!

not what i hear from all your brother friends. oops!

and if uve never done it, or in fact didnt pm me, why are u getting so defensive?

Like who? You’re basing your information from 17 year old kids that have no idea what they are talking about.

I’ve done stimulants, but not cocaine. Fact, bro.

Right your hvcc degree is so much better i forgot that makes you informed when it comes to the medical field. Right Ill have to remember this for my next nursing exam that what they teach us is wrong and some meat head fuck is right. Sorry I dont make 8 dollars an hour either but good try bro. You havent posted any thing relevant to your argumant other then MISINFORMED ignorant statements. Now you realize why people dont call you to come hang out any more since you are apparently some how better then every one else. Keep trying and posting your steroid induced muscle pics online for the little kiddies to look at brah

if PJB freely admits to trying coke… you can too!

omg really? this just gets better and better. sean, u dont like me thats fine. such is life.

ill see ya around homo.

So much misinformation in this thread it’s ridiculous. Almost everything we do in this life has a risk associated with it. So let me put at least 3/4 of the arguments in this thread to rest right now.

Argument #1: Steroids CAN damage liver/kidneys/natty production levels. Answer: True
: Alcohol CAN damage liver/kidneys/cause cancer/etc Answer: True

Moral: Do not argue against steroids if unless you are the one in a million person that does not ingest any form of foreign substance including alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.

Argument #2: Steroids are risky and very bad for you and you shouldn’t do them if you don’t have a reason.

Moral: So is racing down the northway or drinking. You could lose a tire at 150+ and be dead in the blink of an eye. Is your reason for racing any better than they guy trying to get big at the gym?

Point of my story, we all takes risks every single day. Most of them are far more riskier to our health short term or long term, than someone who is correctly coming on and off steroids. So quit yer bitchin.


Yes post 127 I did instigate. once. and I admitted it in my reply above. Where as you instigated 129, 132, 133, 137 & 143. Most of which were after I already gave you the “upper hand” and apparently attempted to backpedal my way out. AKA acting like a bigger man and attempting to reason with your dumbass and proving to you that your not worth the skin off my knuckles.

I didnt make assumptions about anything. An assumption is looking at a big turbo on a car and thinking it will go fast. All I did was listen to you spout off, and first gave you a friendly, believe it or not, suggestion to cut the shit with her. Then once you started in with the ASSUMPTION THAT I THREATENED YOU WITH MY COMMENT ABOUT SAYING SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN PUBLIC… that it was going to get physical.

I assume (because I have to this time CLIFF since you didn’t quote someone in that reply) that this is directed towards me.

Activists stand around with signs and shit. I simply have moral manly standards i follow.

Nope I don’t think they are incapable, there you go with those assumptions again you think I have and you don’t, Rita stood up for herself just fine, I just threw in my 2 cents also. Sticking up for, sure if that’s what it looks like.

where did I say shit about a pr?

and finally, yes racist > sexist IMO. haha


and here comes steve.

I wanna be a big body

I actually do a SHITLOAD of cocaine. I’ll admit, idc.

That’s why I am always broke. :rofl

Supporting Argument #1: A pink train can and will drive through my creamcheese filled house.

Answer: False I dont have a cream cheese filled house. Its not located in proximity to a railroad. Trains are black and silver not pink.

My point of my story is we already went over this.

this thread is now about me and Cliff fighting over something we already fought about last year. Mr. A-Skiier does, doesnt, did or didnt do cocaine. PJB was mentioned. And my jetta has just completed a 7.5 second quarter mile pass.


I’m on my Droid that’s why no quotes. Too lazy. Quick reply ftw. I am by no means sexist. I just make sexist jokes. I think they are funny. Same way people call one another homosexuals or faggots. Do I think those people hate gays? No. This thread I posted in was out of humor. I do not believe a woman belongs in the kitchen. Should she take the initiative? Fuck yes. I think innapropriate things are funny. Racist jokes, sexist jokes, dead baby jokes… whatever. It is hard to offend me with those kinda jokes. If you think what I said crossed the line. Look around in this forum and remove your blinders dude. Btw slowmaaro is impotent.

Hey im not the one getting stuff shoved up my ass:haha

who are u kidding, u and your little brother get everything and anything you want!

God dammit my nose is bleeding again

listen, its one thing to discuss a subject, its another to take it personal with a friend uve known for more than 10 years. you sir are wrong in this fashion whether u want to admit it or not.