Attention: people running momo hubs!

How Do you get the Horn to work with the hub??? :x

I dont know if it makes a difference but its a 92, hicas and cruise control

(i posted in the technical section already but got no repsonces :? )

ANY help is appreciated


ill install it if you come to my house in brampton

never had a problem with it. as long as the hub has the brass contact on the back for the pins to touch your horn should work. unless the 92’s are totally different from the 90s, then you need a very rare and expensive hub with the clockwork spring in it like the oem airbag clockspring. I’ve only ever seen 2 of those hubs in my travels. But I beleive they are only for S14. I never had a problem with momo hubs, or any other hub on an s13… and I’ve built s13 style connectors in other cars (sentra) so that they can use the s13 style hub. I just put a pin in the surround plastic, and ran the horn + to it. it touched the brass contact plate on the back of the hub and when you pressed the button beep beep and whatnot… Be creative you can get it to work, if not drop by mssc and I’ll take care of you.

its very easy use common sense

have the same problem, i tapped the horn wire from the cruise control harness underneath the steering colum, i extended the wire, but it helps breaking the wire

Ya i just put my new momo hub and weel on but i dident have time to play with the horn so i just dont have it hooked up @ the moment but it cant be that hard just take your time with it and youll have it working in no time i just cut the cruse right off i dont have it anyways i took the lil black box right out and all is good i took that stupid two prong swivole thingy right off as well i love it way better then my old cheep quick release nismo knock off hub and weel :lol:



Thanks for the help guys, Luis what wire is the horn one?

These are the pins you were talking about right scribbles?

i have the brass ring on the back but only one of the three pins seen in the pic above actually make contact with the brass…

its the solid green wire on the cruise control harness if i remember right

sweet thanks, did you use the ring with the three pins shown above or did you just make direct connection with the horn wire to the hub?

i used a copper plate to conduct the horn but its annoying as fahk cuz when the wheel turns it makes this scraping noise

electrical drease fixes that 8)

i did a direct connection, i took off the brass plate and ran the wire through the hole on the back of the hub right to the horn and i grounded it to the metal ring where they steering wheel screws into, problem is the wire for the horn keeps breaking and ive been to lazy to change the wire lol…
here’s how i did it…

  1. i just stick a wire on one of the female connector and put electrical tape around it for it to stay…
  2. let the other end of the wire touch any “metal” part of the steering collum to test if the horn works first…
  3. the i used a “spring” from one of those mechanical pen or pecil and bend, stretch to an “L” or “7” shape
  4. attach the other end of the wire to one end of the spring
  5. screw that spring on one of the hole in the pic with the red circle
  6. now reshape the spring so that it will touch the “BRASS” part of the momo hub . make sure that it “ONLY” touches that part of the hub, try putting some grease to avoid friction. you’ll want the spring to slide smoothly on the brass
  7. test the horn and try to turn the wheel lock to lock while testing the horn to make surethat the spring always touches that brass part :smiley:

hope that helps

electrical drease fixes that 8)[/quote]


where can i get some… cdn tire?

this method work for any cars with airbag. ive done it on many honda cars before.
whoever has problems, this is basically the method to fixing your horn problem.

I’m having a problem with the hub. I got the horn down packed but I find it difficult to turn my steering wheel. Feels like the power steering just disapeared. I removed it and put back my old steering wheel and it works fine. What could this be?