I am having some problems to install this hub on my s13, I got it but as I said having some installation problems, it doesn’t fit right, should I custom something to make it fits?
Thanks guys!
this is the hub=
take that clock spring out
u need to take the cover on the steering column to remove the clock spring( the black plastic thing around the steering shaft)
you haven’t removed the clock spring yet. After removing that, you’re still not finished. You’ll need to tap the green wire which is for the horn (I believe it’s the green) and you’ll either:
- fab a metal tab (preferrably brass but any non-corroded metal will suffice) so that it’ll make contact with the brass plate on your hub for you horn or
- splice the horn wire with a wire that’s long enough to wrap it around the hub once with a male connector at the other end and attach that to your horn
make sure you ground your horn
Here this should help:
wow… I didn’t have to do any of that on my s13.
Hey Seth how did u do urs?
Let me know!
Well it was a while ago… but I don’t remember the black thing you have on there… take the trip pieces off around the column you will see screws
Oh God!
Guys have someone installed a momo hub on a s13?
Let me know exactly how hav eu done it cause I am having a lot of problems about it the “wrapping wiring around on the hub is not working right” so please let me know how have u done it the right way!
Thanks and any help will be well appreciated
Thats becasue you dont have hicas.
Hey DTS have u done on a urs?
Cause that is really a pain in the ass man!lol
just take teh 2 black piece that covers the steering collumn off
then u’ll c the screws that holds down teh clock spring
simple work… u a just couple more screws away
you see that black plastic thing with the clip that spins if try, you take that compleatly out, and then place the hub on.