attn. all FAST street cars.


Why is everybody so scared. How do you guys think teckademics was built. nobody is going to subpeona footage of street racing. i have been filming underground street racing way before Street Heaters. And if something did go wrong and somebody crashed or something…we are not going to air that shit. if someone by chance did want to see our raw footage…sorry seymour scagnetti we taped over it. I just thought it would be good stuff for fans of whats left of underground and for the drivers of the race…at least the winners. its cool though. Good luck to everyone running. Be safe.

just to many liablities. if any taping was done it would be within the tight group of ppl. unfamiliar ppl dont get invited. its not like being a kid and not having responsiblities in life. alot of us have families and futures ahead of us that we cant afford to jeopodize anymore then we already are.

no cameras.

whats part dont u understand?


let me walk you through this nice and slow. Underground street racing is illegal. It was completly underground until that stupid fucking movie came out. the general public didnt even know about it. Thus, there was no public outcry, people handled their shit, and it wasnt a big deal. Racers were pretty much left alone to have their fun.

Fast forward: Fast and Furious comes out, every faggot decides his moms civic is a racecar, does gaudy stupid things to it and go around smashing into things and killing themselves. When they’re scraping little Jonny off the pavement because of street racing, parents go into an uproar, television stations do “eyewitness news undercover investigation”. Cops start to crack down.

exposore = bad

secrecy = good

no exposure + secrecy = racers left alone to race in peace free of stupid ricers in civics and the boys in blue.

yep movie came out seen ricers at crafton a few months later it was busted

yeah i know and your right and the tighter the group the safer. i was just commenting.

what if you get busted jeff, they confiscate your video equipment? then we are all screwed.

true…so true. but we have held legal events where we have even closed off streets and rented out places and roads and the cops couldn’t do shit. so all i am saying is nobody would know from watching it if it was illegal or not. it is a mute point do your own thing. be careful. we support the lifestyle.

i guess they could maybe …then i could get charged for inciting an illegal activity or something. your right the law has its way of geting you if they want. …f*** it you guys are on your own…tape it yourself. Ha Ha. no your right i guess it is too risky. i wonder if anything like that happened before where they took the equipment and stuff. i watched some of the tecademics stuff. but i dont remember of them taking cameras from them and they got buste a lot. does anybody know??

ever see dumb criminals ? taping themself :rofl: like that paintball instance where the kids shot up people and video where the kids destroyed a house and incitited themselves. ohwell you might get a media pass though :rofl:

if this is so underground, then why would we want it brodcasted over mainstream tv?

i’ll tell u what-- if u want to tape it, then rent out the track for a night w/ the condtion that we dont use the tree. just prep (or dont prep) both lanes so it is fair in each lane.

thats the only way ill let this get taped.


I’ll make some calls. i know you want to do this thing so i wont hold you up . i will see if i can get it done. i will let you know by the end of the day tomorrow.

gotta admit tho, it would be cool to see all of this on tape with all our fastest guys runnin. but i totally understand not wanting anyone to get in trouble due to the taping thing.


dude… give up please… we don’t want taped becaues we aren’t a secret society of underground mechanics… we have fuckin jobs and racing is for fun… i can’t loose my license because some jackoff was taping me.

rent a track and invite everyone up and tape all you want… i’d be game for that.

and yeah… last year on the way to a volkswagen dragstrip / car show there were a bunch of dudes passing people, swerving in and out of construction cones and racing… cops got them, got the video THEN RAN IT ON THE NEWS.

fuck there was a link on here of hte newscast and all those kids that were going to get busted for just speeding got it for everything else on the tape.

NO GO ON THE TRACK RENTAL. Cant get r done in the off season like this. too many inhibitors. sorry

Set it up for the opening of next season