ATTN: ANTLS u dumb f*ck !!!

ps damn I miss those wheels already :frowning:

a new battery, dead
AC lines with no AC pump
camber plates installed sideways
rear suspension blown for reasons being they were adjusted wrong

i could go on but i wont. but thanks for your very useless post u high fuck!

ill sell them to you! $700 :excited

Soooooooo what is the point of this thread E?

I meant a normal E36 M3 maintenance list it was not owned by a shmuck who brought it to the dealer exclusively.

you get DIY going on a car, this is what happens.

Horrible choice for a DD, despite the forum fanbase. What’d you expect? Get a Toyota next time, enjoy the Vette on nice days.

^no, they make awesome dd’s, if they dont have a bunch of bullSHIT installed on them SHITTILY

I LOL so hard when I see cars like that.

Benny why did you sell those wheels?

15 year old BMW as a DD in upstate NY, esp one that’s been tinkered with? No thanks, all the red flags were waving on this one.


i disagree 100%

the car drives nice, starts every morning and got me through the winter without any issues. only time i spun out was in my neighborhood next to ladukes house and thats because i was drifting and came in too hot. haha

IMHO the car rocks. when the suspension is all fixed (rest of the rear suspension is coming tomorrow) the car handles like a monster. i can only imagine what it would be like with a real set of coilovers

i want something fun to drive everyday, and thats just how i work. i couldnt drive a corolla and be happy. i would prob intentionally smash it into a pole just so i could get something better.

It’s fine that you want a sporty car everyday, I wanted the same thing in my early 20’s too. Just not worth the bullshit that comes along with it IMO.

so what makes your Toyota so much better? because it gets 30 mpg? or because one looks like a complete Chode whistler while driving it?

when you like me, your never content with anything at all. whether it be HP, women, or moding your car. so when i have something to fix, i look forward to it. kinda keeps me occupied and gives me that QT with my father as cheesy as it sounds.


Nothing better than learning something small and random from the old man while working on the Z, granted he cant help me much as hes working, but deff enjoy it when me and him can throw back a couple beers and BS.

Hey deadbeatoff, you bashing my camry? Shits dope.

when u pay $100 for such a car, rock on! but no, i could never rock that and feel good about myself. sorry. my penis is small enough, dont want to make it look smaller by driving a Camry or Corolla

I rocked my black M3 for awhile, that thing had a plethora of problems as well.

haha ! i have been in similar situations


gotta disagree, 10-20 yr old bmw’s are great dd’s , but this one was not properly handled and alot of shit was cobbed it seems

Lol fair enough brotha. I may tint the windows so nobody can see me driving it. :rofl

It will be sold in a few weeks when i get the title back from dmv neway.

The M looks good E, when you putting the new K Junks in? I sat in it sat at Adams, I really like these cars.