ATTN: Audi A4 people

the a i mentioed, on the ride to drop the customer off at work in the morning, we had a conversation aboy the car … he hated it … i was playing like i wasnt good enough at manual to drive it quick, and the guys tellin me to drive it HIS way … just barely lift off the gas, feather the clutch and slam it into the next gear

he brought it in for a windnoise … he hated the whistle the drivers side window had at 85 … for lunch at noon i was piloting it down gennesse out towards the boonies at 90-100 while gary listened for the noise … i had customer permission to drive it hard when i was dropping him off, and i had the body shop managers permission to drive it hard when we were trying to spot the noise … because in the midle of the day there isnt all THAT much room to do 100 on a 2 lane street

his basic attitude was he was gonna drive the shit out of it till the lease was up and get something NOT made by vw/audi

we werent able to find the wind noise … he left out of the lot that day driving it harder then i did …

as for the a6 v8, the custome had already wrecked it twice … after the 2nd repair someone keyed it just b4 he picked it up and HE was the one that saw it … and after we fixed THAT for him, he came to pick it up again to see a rockchip on the windsheild … hence my trip to the glass shop …

HIS OWN WORDS were "im having horrible luck with this car and my wife doesnt like it anyways, im already trading it in on a passat "

im not the person that intentionaly ripped the rocker panal off a rental,
im not the employee that intentional hit a deer, and later a mailbox with the demo 300m
im not the one that put a demo a4 into a ditch while racing to ransomville
im not the one that intentionaly blew an engine in an intrepid
and it wasnt me that moved 15 brand new grand cherokees all the way across the lot just for the sake of leaving 30 tire marks from point A to B

i just beat the tar out of trade ins and total losses

i cannot believe you are trying to save face…

and with that lame excuse…

haha … yea … because my explination there is realy gonna make the difference in what people think of me …

i stopped caring about that a looong time ago

EDIT : and another thing i learned a long time ago … its WAAAAY more fun to tell the truth … makes it that much more fun when people call me a liar, or when they speak like that already know the full story …

shoulda seen me out there the one day doing donuts in a brand new TT … guess what … didnt matter … it got flooded at the erie county fair … totaled … went to auction … IT DOESNT MATTER

Ok, if you don’t care what people think, then you won’t care that I think you are a fucking asshole for fucking with someone else’s car, especially when you work for someone else. A dealership’s name and reputation rely on the employees they hire, and all you did here was slander their reputation. How would you like it if somone fucked with your car when you took it in for repairs, or a full detail? I bet you would be livid. I may be a new member but it is safe to assume that you are a fucking moron. You can bet that Schmitts will be getting a call about this. Probably not from me, but from someone else who has brought their car there, and is now outraged at your outburst of pure stupidity, and the fact that you post about it and have no remorse at all! Unbelievable.

EDIT: To get back on topic. Audi A4s are very comfy cars. A very well rounded car IMHO. Good power, good aftermarket support (albeit a bit expensive), decent reliability, great drivetrain, and plus, it comes in station wagon form. :smiley:

tell them nick from the body shop said it …

the nick that hasnt worked there for 2 years …

i look forward to receiving my punishment from them

I pray to whatever God that is out there that you never reproduce.

edit, omg … so going to hell for what this originaly said … i need sleep

I wish I quoted what you said… you should really burn in hell x2 now.

people from buffalo dont burn in hell …

when the devil is taking souls from the “new arrival” pile, he throws all the buffalo people off to the side, because were to cold and soggy to actualy burn

It’s dumb fucks like you that are the reason I measure my tread depth, and mark down and photograph my mileage and how much gas is in the tank before I drop the car off at the dealership, and leave explicit instructions that it is not to be driven off the lot. If a test drive is required to diagnose a problem, i’m riding along, or it doesn’t get done. Its not much, but it’s the best I can do to make sure a-moral assholes like yourself who feel entitled to fuck with property that doesn’t belong to you get their just rewards.

Moral of the story: don’t trust other people not to be fuckwads. Assume everyone is an asshole with no respect for other peoples property unless empirically proven otherwise.

when was there a 1.8na engine?

wow my thread was hijacked

yea it was. go with a lower milage certified A4 and you’ll be alright. like they said, watch the control arms. they are recalled, but schmitt’s is pretty lame about it. if you are really interested, there’s a great VW/audi dealership in rochester that would be worth going to if you need it done. my buddy at RIT gets a lot of work on his A4 and scirocco done there. i can’t remember the name but i can get it for you (dorschel i think). the only thing that wasn’t mentioned in this thread i’d watch for is the water pump. those are usually between 50-70K miles. which you would be pushing with the model year you are thinking about. if you want it as a DD and you don’t fsck with it too much on mods, you’ll love it. they are great cars and you’ll be laughing at assholes like me in jettas that should have spent the extra grand on the a4 when it comes wintertime and your passing me while i’m sitting on the side of the road spinning my tires.

there wasn’t, not in the US, and not in an A4, and definately not when the poster asked about the 1.8t in the first place.

I have a hard time believing this moron was anything more than a lot jockey. He has no fucking clue what he is talking about. I’ve met some dumb techs in my day, but this is ridiculous.

i know they’ve had them, but i didn’t think they were around in the model years we were discussing.

drdos, you might want to look around it’s the local VW/Audi enthusiast board. you’d probably get a lot more reliable info on there.

DrDos I MIGHT have just bought a 2001.5 A4 :snky:

Good, now I don’t have to say anything :slight_smile:

well i did some more reasearch, it really seems to much of a hassel for me to buy one. i really want something debendable so now im looking at IS300’s. i was looking at Evo’s and broke for 3 years but i really dont like the interior of the evo at al…

IS300: :tup: Much better choice, IMO. Toyota reliability >>> Audi.

Not to mention, inline engine + RWD = teh win for ease of working on.

If you can find one with a manual (not that common), then you’d be set.

The only drawback is RWD in winter, but with good snow tires and some practice driving, it really isn’t all that big of a deal.

I’ve never had a problem with my Audi being debendable, I guess Howie did though :mamoru: