ATTN: BENNY and many others...


It’s a shock that’s medical marijuana legislation hasn’t gotten farther when it’s always backed by such legitimate and reputable people. :shifty:shifty

I will have a heart to heart here for a second. I have been in this god forsaken wheelchair for four years. I have just started making real progress as being able to walk, late last year. I started smoking in July of last year, after having quit in '05. Does this mean pot is magic. Yes. But seriously I am off all anti depressants and pain killers I was on, which was a lot.

+1 for you man. thats a good deal.

Thanks man, I was hoping for a paragraph. :lol I hate all these anti groups, such a waste of time and resources. Cigarettes are bad, still legal. Alcohol is bad, still legal. I dont get the problem. It is funny that its Montel of all people too. Maybe some white trash soap watching women will rock the vote.

Good man… hope things continue to go well for you.

I think it is absolutely retarded not to have medicinal marijuana, so many other pharmaceuticals are so much worse in comparison.

Sorry to dissapoint… I have a headach from laughing my balls off still from the Dare U fight. hahah

Exactly. Its a damn plant anyone with a seed and a shovel can plant. The rest of the shit you can buy legal or not you need a chemistry lesson befor you can make the shit. Gateway drug is a bullshit term made up by the people way back when that went on a “lets make everything illegal” trip and threw weed in the middle of everything too.

People need to start passing laws based on fact and morality. Pot should be the lowest thing on the list for things that you shouldnt do, things people shouldnt frown upon, and things that shouldnt be illegal. What i mean is, many substances out there are much more harmfull and deadly, focus your time on those. There are other actions people partake in that are much more deadly and imoral… focus on those things.

in my mind, pot being illegal is dead nuts level with “no front plate” laws. A worthless, waste of time money making scheme.

I say completely legalize it and tax it. I don’t smoke anymore but it doesn’t change my views on the fact that its less harmful than many other legal substances and the fact that prohibition is failing miserably

I think the diff is the difference in effect on people with light use. Like, when you drink a beer or two your not totally messed up. You MAY be buzzed a little but your still rational. You smoke one joint and your high, period. At least thats the argument I’ve heard.

I just don’t get why its such a big deal. Smoking something is that important to peoples lives…yikkessss


sweet now all I have to do is get aids :rofl

It’ll be allowed in more and more states ‘medically’, but it’ll never be available for purchase in the US in the same way that tobacco and alcohol are.

I believe sept is the vote in cali, be interesting to see how that goes

Liston to this alter boy.

Its exactly the same as drinking. with respect to how riped someone gets. If you drink all the time, you gain a tolerance. If you smoke all the time, you gain a tolerance.

SRS talk, once I saw benny try to hit this bong with Snoop Dogg… Snoop hit it deep and just continued knitting a scarf. Benny hit that shit, and 5 seconds later fell outa the chair. Saw it with my own two eyes.

yes true, but just like in cali and other medical legal states, it wont be hard to get a card to buy it.

The vote cavy is talking about is full-on legalization.

Travis-maybe not in all US states but I bet it will be in a couple within the next couple of years.

Agreed, as long as the federal government classifies it still as a controlled substance then it won’t be truly “legalized.”

I saw Montel at the Capitol when he was there; dude’s got a serious limp.

I’ll put a friendly 20 dollars on the fact that it’ll never be legally obtainable in the USA just as easily as cigarettes are.

I think the bill should be passed for sure. Its a lot safer then taking prescription drugs that eat away your muscles or stomach. I have had bad migraines for the past 6 years. I have tried everything from epi pen shots, oxygen and several other medications from 4 different neurological doctors. I have gotten ulcers several times due to medications. I average about 5 headaches a week .They can last at times 1 hour-6 hours of intense pain. Watery eyes,irratability,sweating,shaking,vomiting Due to scents,sounds,light and stress. As most of you see me holding a can of amp . Caffein is the only way for me to prevent a headache other then taking my meds. When taking my meds I get ulcers due to how frequent i have to take them do to so many migrains. All my doctors have mentioned about medical weed. And if it was allowed to people with severe migraines I will deff be prescribed it.