ATTN: BENNY and many others...

Sorry to dissapoint… I have a headach from laughing my balls off still from the Dare U fight. hahah

Exactly. Its a damn plant anyone with a seed and a shovel can plant. The rest of the shit you can buy legal or not you need a chemistry lesson befor you can make the shit. Gateway drug is a bullshit term made up by the people way back when that went on a “lets make everything illegal” trip and threw weed in the middle of everything too.

People need to start passing laws based on fact and morality. Pot should be the lowest thing on the list for things that you shouldnt do, things people shouldnt frown upon, and things that shouldnt be illegal. What i mean is, many substances out there are much more harmfull and deadly, focus your time on those. There are other actions people partake in that are much more deadly and imoral… focus on those things.

in my mind, pot being illegal is dead nuts level with “no front plate” laws. A worthless, waste of time money making scheme.