Attn: BLKP42E

true, well its good you did watch what you were eating at least. but cheese is the enemy :smiley: TONS of fat in dairy!

werd. Im doin this 100% or not at all. Seeing results is what will motivate me, so i gotta kick some ass right off the bat to prove to myself that the effort really will get results. I weighed in at 265 today. Im hoping to be a solid 245 before everyone comes down for the import show. Maybe less. Thats gives me a month, and ive heard that 5lbs a week is a fairly healthy rate to drop the lbs…

ya i know but i figured i didnt pay 9 bux for chicken and some dumplings i mise as well put a dent in the diet a little

note: that was the 1st cheese or dairy ive ate all week other than special k with fat free milk

ya i dropped 6 in a week just from eating healthy and running 1/2 a mile.


how u doin on it so far or are u just starting?

i weighed 250 when i weighed myself although i was wearing kinda heavy joggin pants and now i weigh 241 so im just sayin 6 or 7 lbs lost because of the heavy pants

mike a month is more than enough to lose 20 lbs in. i just started mine again cause drinking was killing me and i was down 20 in like 2 weeks

just started exercising today, but ive been eating good since the get go, but due to a lack of any healthy food in the fridge, I did splurge once or twice. I weighed in today at 265, I usually am at 270, but that can go a few lbs in either direction depending on water weight.

But I got out to the store and stocked up on lean cuisines and slim fasts. Gotta go back out tomorrow and get some fruit and stuff for salads.

Ill be happy once i see 255. That will be the lowest ive been at in a few years. I was over 300 in college, but i turned into such a shut in that i wouldnt even leave to eat. I had like $500 on my meal card left over at the end of my last semester at RMU. That made me lose like 25lbs :eek3:

sweet! I would be sooo pumped if i could get down to 235 by June 4. :slight_smile:

good to hear…im drinking a slim fast right now!

all i eat in a normal day is a bowl of special k and a apple for breakfast a turkey sanwihc for lunch…and chicken on a deli roll (healthiest thing at work).

all i drink is water,crystal light, and slim fast.

6 lbs in a week pretty good so far i cant wait to get under 235 havent been that low since about 9th grade

try not to drink slimfast late or before bed. lots of sugar.

stick with water later at night

i usually just drink it between meals when craving a snack

Ive been drinking lots of water. ANd im making a conscious effort to drink even when im not thirsty. I think ill go get some water right now. :cool:

yeah but sugars before bed arent the best thing. water.

and i PREACH… Freeze Grapes and snack on them

Chad’s diet works differently on everyone im only losing like 4 pounds a week! but it will work. Mike it will suck in the beginning but u will start feeling better cause you are eating better. Water is key to stopping the hunger just dont eat late too. You can do it i have faith in you!:smiley:


this is turning into a Pittspeed fatass support group.