attn: bullies and/or lawyers

how old are the kids?

I remember hearing about this thing called the “police” that takes care of situations like this

probably older than yourself.

:lol: Sick em Spike!

well in her pro it says shes 18 and she called the kids little so id imagine their younger than her

this is why i live in the sticks

i’ll already have the gun loaded before you reach the end of my driveway

not to mention 16 acres of burial grounds

burn down their house…simple…cost effective…gets the point across relatively well.

if you beat people bad enough that they are scared of you, they wont sue

if you play dirty enough that they think your nuts, they wont come back

the mother was the one driving the car when the shit happened while vehicals were in motion

wow at this thread

shit in your hand and throw it at them

Throw a mozel tov cocktail through their front window!!! :tup: :lol:

I know just the guy to do it!

is the gas and oil mixture kosher?


gasoline and detergent = easy napalm

You can never out do ppl like that… They are little bastard children who couldn’t give a flyin fuck what you break, burn, steal or destroy… it probably wont be their stuff anyhow… itll be mommy an daddy’s… So it wouldn’t matter if you burnt down there house, raped their cat (Call JnJ…i hear he likes to impregnate cats on his days off…) they are always gonna get you back… so your best bet is get their antic’s on video or in pictures.

edit: illiteracy

seriosuly, smash their hands with baseball bats … think mobsters did it because it DIDNT teach people a lesson ?



a “mozel tov” cocktail?? bwa haha. almost right…

somehow i don’t think burning people alive is the right answer…