ATTN: EASTSIDERS (and any and all who are up for it).

As we all know, tonight has been one hell of a snowfall, which is supposed to carry on into tomorrow morning. This is a good thing if you still have your 240 out this winter, or if you drive something else and have the urge to slide.

I’ve been out for most of the night, making the best of the snow and I’ve decided to see if anyone would be up for a little fun tomorrow morning.

Huge parking lot…and by huge I mean massive. The parking lot is 100% empty during the day and night, with no hassles from anyone. Curb-free. Couple fun obstacles (light posts, islands). If you’ve seen the pictures of me playing in the snow, you know what i’m talking about.

So here’s the deal. I will, for sure be there tommorow morning, between the approximate hours of 10am and 3pm. I will most likely have a camera (but bring yours if it’s digital). If you are down for this you can give me a call and I will give you the directions. Easy as pie. Or, you could ask sidewayz (Bruce) or Got_Boost_S13 (Cal) where it is, because they both know what i’m talking about, and hopefully, they’ll both be there.

Have a good one and I hope to see a bunch of us out there tomorrow morning.

Me: Jon @ (416) 458-3224.

P.S. :cry: Friends don’t let friends slide alone. :cry:

Hey, i’ll be at home for the next 1/2 hour or so. If you want to PM me you can and i’ll give out some directions.

Sorry for the short notice guys.

Looks like a fun day. :lol: