Attn: EMS persons need help here, Long Story,

Around 11:30 Wednesday Night, Wifey, the 2 boys (30month&14month olds) and I Left her sisters house after 3 hours of emotionally supporting her in an awkward time.

We were driving along Bakerstown-Culmerville road when She reaches over and Yells “Chaz thiers people on the road”!

Its Pitch Black out. Dark as I’ve ever seen it, we rounded a sharp corner at about 25mph when that happened.

I stop the Blazer and a man wearing all black slowly approches, I can now see steam rising about 30 feet in front of me and at that moment I notice sombody laying pinched betwen the guide rail and the ground, back facing me,
and another laying in the grass next to some trees, half on the road. Both only 5-7 feet away from my truck.
Cloths and car parts scattered around, and a shoe, right in front of my truck, just sitting thier.

The man now at my window, and about as white as a ghost, and speaking so softly i could bearly hear him says, theres been a horible accident, people are laying all over the road. I ask if he needed me to call the police and he says they were on the way, and could I put on my flashers.

As he walks away from my window wifey turns and says “whats going on”
Up till this moment she hadn’t looked out the window in front of us, she had only been watching this man walk up to the truck, she never noticed the mayhem.

I said softly, Babe, thiers bodies on the road…

She turns and looks out the window and now see’s what i had seen.
KDKA Video
She starts screeming, shes hysterical, crying and just flipping out, I cant calm her down, i cant make her stop.

I turned the car around to leave just as the 1st police officer arrives on the sceen.

We get going down some back roads and she is still flipping out,
I say “okay, I am officially lost, where does Clendenning road come out”
she flips again, starts balling, im feeling real bad about right now, and she says “910” “Clendenning” is the road my friend lived on when we were in high school.

Well apparently, this friend was killed like 10 years ago by a bus, while waiting to go to school, and on the news for that next week, they show’d his shoe lying in the road, and all that, with all that happened wed. night all came together all at once.

Soo. How can I help her? I dont know what to say, or what to do, she is still mortified by what she had seen, Things like that dont get to me, so I have no Idea what she is going through, or what I can do to make her feel better about it.

Any police/parameds, sombody who has seen things like this or dealt with it? anybody offer me a solution to this,

For me it was just another day, I mean what i saw was really f-d up, things i wont describe publicly for the sake of privacy to those involed, She is still taking this hard,its only been 2 days but shes dreaming about it each night, then waking telling me she should have gotten out and helped or somthing.

sory for the book.

Cliff notes, what do you need?

Never mind,

You just have to get her to talk about it and explain that its not her fault. when bad scenes happen (usually peds) there is a cridical incident stress debriefing team that will come out and talk with the people usually workers involved…

Best thing to do is talk to her about it to try and ease her mind about it.

Im not sure what you your asking, you are kinda the person I was hopeing would respond.
If your asking for cliff notes? Im looking for a way to find some type of grief cousiling or something for wfiy, or a suggestion…:dunno:

I try to talk to her about it, but you should see her face when i bring it up

call your local hospital or doctor’s office. I only know of the one that is for Public saftey workers.

Best thing to do is to try and talk to her about it. Shit happens and basically what they do is try to ease the feelings of guilt because its by no means her fault.

I have seen so much shit, it never phases me anymore.

thank you, i will look somthing up here, see what i can do.

Also don’t force the issue. If she is going to clam up she is going to clam up, just watch for other signs that she may do somthing “dumb”.

Everyone deals with things their own way. My younger brother is the type of person who clams up I remember his first pedi call when he was a Jr screwed him up for a few weeks. Now he is like me stuff doesn’t phase him as much. Kids still stike a spot in most people including me, but it ends up being “what a shame” try to comfort family that may be on scene, and then its left there at the scene or hospital.

You also start developing some dark humor seeing this stuff day in day out, but again its a form of relief…

the only thing i noticed so far, is a clean house, i mean top to bottom, she cleaned everything yesterday,

she says every blink was a vivid picture of what she had seen,I have found that to be a bit annoying also, its like a photo being shown to me every few seconds. Like I said things like that dont really do me in, but i guess its hiding in me somewhere.

So I guess im goona have a clean house for a while here:blue:

thanks for the help, I dont think she’ll go to see anybody to talk but if i can find a way to help her threw it, then thats what i’ll do.

have 2 kids, I dont think I could handle seeing any of that, id need hypnosis or a tall building :confused:

You two can come over and clean my house if you want. :dunno:

(fucking dog!)

i’ve been thru this 3 times…
once when a 2 kids were flying down 79 at about 100mph, lost control and got into an accident (one was ejected thru windsheild, one well… got out of the car all dazed wondering where his friend was and was hit at about 70mph by a tractor trailer) ( thats what corner and KDKA said) it was a mess .

2nd when a 7 year old girl died in front of krispy cream on rt 50.

and when an old lady had a stroke and went straight into a tractor trailer on rt 50 in front of eatnpark…
hard shit to deal with, but i pretty much block it out and try to continue on. talk to her and ease her with the thoughts