attn: flyinglow

found your car… talk him down a few bucks

Originally posted by turbovw18
found your car… talk him down a few bucks

91-95 Saturn SL2? Reliable car, but watch out for missing oil… I knew a few people who had to deal with it… on the bright side, it’s faster than a Prizm or a 2.0:tounge:
"We have seen, heard and even experienced first-hand abnormal oil consumption in twin-cam (SL2, SW2, SC2) Saturns. Consumption of one quart every 1000 to 1500 miles appears fairly common. This consumption rate can set in early in the life of the car, so it is not attributable to normal wear and tear.

Although Saturn has a procedure to deal with this issue, they do not acknowledge that a problem exists. They recommend that you bring your car to a Saturn dealer to be put on an “oil consumption watch”. This entails bringing the car into your dealer every few hundred miles so they can monitor the situation. Not very convenient for the owner. Depending on the diagnosis, it can involve valves, valve seals, piston rings, and even the pistons themselves. Some owners report the fix only cures the oil burning for a while. The procedure usually runs between $1000 and $1800, depending on what is done. Depending on mileage, Saturn will often pick up at least some of the tab.

A Saturn representative told us that all Saturn engines should use no more that one quart every 3000 miles. So why are all these Saturn owners paying for this procedure?"

here it is mac

mac i think your truck is awesome…so i hope this is a joke

not a joke… he mentioned he wanted a saturn… i happen to see one ‘on display’ :rofl:

yeah oil is consumed about every 1500-2000 miles. it did it on my old saturn and it pretty much does it to all saturns.

then it really starts to go when you have a leaking rear main also :eek: like every 500 miles toss in a quart (or just sell it :tounge: )

i want something a lil newer like a 97-99 or so caues they burn less oil from what i have heard.