ATTN: Mr. Bakerian

something benny loves…


or perhaps this ---->

Mail order brides??

Nono on the supra, for reasons Ryan stated but also on the sheer fact that after you get bored with the car(and you will, I know you) you’ll be stuck with it because nobody in the right mind will want to spend that much on a NA-T pup. You’d lose your ass in resale as compared to the E46M3.

just my .02

I think mail order brides have the lowest resale value of anything you mentioned.

Depends on origin of purchase…:slight_smile:

Can someone please explain to me the differences and why NA2T sucks on supras?

In my eyes, theres nothing wrong with NA2T’s… Generaly the motors are the same, maybe a lower compression for the turboed vehicle… and a few other misc things like det sensors and vacum overflow tanks.

Motors are not even close to the same…

For the record I hate that fake ass ice cream they sell from the trucks, and Schwan’s is fucking garbage re-labeled and sold frozen.

Cold Stone, Stewart’s, Coney Express ftmfw.

do it. its an NA-T but they do work, itll be a very quick car. its auto, but the BL tranny is money. and its a hardtopper, insurance wont be terrible either as its an SE. SRT is a great company as well. i wouldnt do straight trade for that… maybe your M3 + cash on his end to you. that car is ready to run 10s all day though

that car is a BL stalled auto though, not the junker W58. if it were a GTE swap, and not an NA-T you wouldnt know the difference without being told if you couldnt see the brakes.(of course minus the SE badge too)

NA-T’s can be built up nasty too. i realize youre hot off the dyno and got your jollies packed tight, but being a supra guy, you should be more welcoming to a car like that. its not a cob-jobb backyard special, its not over done, or ghetto. i mean, hes even got a SEM system in his junk Na-T.

be easy man.

Not a fan of NA-T. I didnt realize the tranny wasn’t the w58, but I dont see how you can compare the values of a NA-T to a TT.

Price is wayyy too high for an NA-T, and Jesse’s car is worth far more. I’d say $10,000 on top of the NA-T and it’s a deal.

My jollies are packed so tight that I havn’t even driven my car since its been home, sans a mile down the road to the wash.

Na-Ts are not bad cars at all.

JUst that one there seems to be priced sky high. IF anything Na-T’ing a car maybe ads $1000 to its value and thats if its made of pure awesome parts and not some shit ebay kit which 90% of them are.

though its an NA-T, it is a hardtop car. which isnt a very common thing as you know. and like i said. that car + cash for jesses M3… but at 23k, for a clean, hardtop, bl and swift racing build, its not a rediculous amount. youre basically getting a 10second car with potential for more with some fuel and a bigger turbo. do a set of rods and pistons/ported oilpump, and the GE motor will be ready to go.

granted the price of TT cars have come down, a TT hardtop would still be in the upper 30s even with those miles.

You’re gonna do what you want but if I were you and I wanted a Supra, I’d just sell the M3 for as much as possible and buy a TT down the line. If you’re lucky you might even have cash left over.

I would enjoy a Supra but since Ryan keeps copying me :shifty I’m going to break the pattern and get something else.


Really tho, I need a more beater-esque car that I can rack miles on. If I was spending $25k+ on an [older] sports car, I’d be getting exactly what I wanted, which in this case is a proper manual TT targa. In white. With white TE37s. Because 2004 was the best year ever.

this is why i have the jetta and a soup.


Word. The 2 fun cars thing was a waste of money.