Attn: Parents

Ahh hahahaha read this!


I don’t use Geico. But if I did, they would’ve just lost my business after seeing that.

Unfreakin beliveable.

always check if you kids cars are running “turbo boosters”

Well if thats how you can tell, I guess I’m a STREET RACER!!!

What a fucking joke.

its because mommy and daddy buys their “little” boy or girl what a car that they want to somewhat teach them responsibility which results to those “little” boys and/or girls modifying their cars way beyond what they can control…

wow just wow hahaha

ahahh that drifting shit is hilarious…how do u think the pro drivers got good…fuckin numb nuts! TOUGE BATTLE :oops:

Exactly, let your children buy what they can afford with cash, and they will develop responsibility for thier purchase. When they add up maintenance, gas and insurance, they will be better members of society.

Wow, technically I’m not a street racer because I don’t have one of those bars going between my whatsomajiggits?

Fuck off. Get your story straight, then write about it. NOT ALL MODDED CARS GET STREET RACED.

What’s stupid about it is some of us are old enough to be parents ourselves already (no kids here yet) and we have our own cars modded up, let alone what our kids might do. And my wife’s new car (v6 altima), when it arrives, is going to be faster in stock trim than most of the hopped up ricers out there… :roll:

Does that make my wife and I street racers? (well, I dunno… when my wife gets that car, I better keep an eye on her. :E )

Well, everyone will learn I guess, people can talk 'till their blue in the face, educate 'till your head explodes but it comes down to the individual learning through experience, when they realize getting a speeding ticket, racing, accidents not only causes them huge financial burden, the emotional and psychological factor is up there. Education is important but the bottom line is the only way a person will truly learn is when they experience it. Just lucky for some of us that we know the “rights and wrongs”, its just too bad that there’s always those people out there ruining it for all of us…

As for parents buying their kids cars…FREAKING UNFAIR, WHAT ABOUT US WHO HAVE TO WORK OR FIND WORK? But…if the kid pays their parents back then that’s integrity and honesty right there, that’s good character but how many kids now a days do that anyways? Heck when my mom bought my trials bike (about $1000) I paid her back…I can’t wait to have the feeling of buying MY OWN car with MY OWN money…much more gratification through that.

HAHAHA That is hilarious.

haha thats the funniest thing ive ever seen…wut are parents gonna say to there kids…now son i want you to take that turbo booster thingy off cause i dont want you drifting…

Imagine if they get like a WRX that’s already turbocharged, what are they gonna’ do then? suckers…

HAHAHAHA thats good!