ATTN: PC people//

God, I’m in Sacramento, and I’m here answering Q’s…

  1. The fan could be going full speed, and its not going to do anything if the surfaces are covered. Dust is an Excellent insulator, step one since its a PC blow out the dust. Yes blow out the dust, don’t use a vacuum like another Nyspeeder did in the past.

  2. There is a possibility that the heat sink may not be seated on the processor as well as it should. This would be a last resort to check.

  3. Unless the fan is completely broken, I do not see any point in spending more money for a better fan, better heat sink unit. It worked in the past it was able to cool it back then. so yea… it should now.

  4. CPU usage. Ctrl + alt + del and look on the process list, and see what is running at ridiculous high usage… (you can sort by cpu usage to make it easier, so do that) 95% sure already its a virus/spy/mal issue, virus scan in safe mode could help. But ultimately may just be you reformatting, and reinstalling everything.