Attn: S-chassi fanbois

I dont know man, Waynes stang sounds soo nice :wow

VH45… srsly im not kidding

if i see a vq in there i will burn it

haha, well the vq has more aftermarket, but the vh would sound better. Both would be cool as hell.

And whats wrong with having a VQ in a S30?

That is the big downfall with the VH45… but as light as the S30 is… that VH45 has enough kick to it to blow the tires off that thing easily

I’d have to find out the weight of the VH. I don’t want to put too much extra weight over the front wheels. As long as it is similar to the VQ, and I can mount it as far back as the VQ, then I should be ok.


weights about 470lbs weighs about 100lbs more than a VQ

haha ive watched that video so many times and it still makes me smile…

Theres another guy who did it I belive its an auto too i dont remember… I showed it to Ninety1two40 before… anyways S13 and he drags with it… I wanna say it ran low 12’s… thing was serious

Ouch. There goes the balance of the car.

ehh not to bad, granted you want to keep it light but im sure you can get rid of acessories and othe rshit to lighten it up… or if worse comes to worse add 50 lbs in the ass end

Well, the battery will be in the back. So that will help. It won’t have PS, or AC. Probly no heater either. All of that should take some weight off, and in the right places.

So do itttt… I will help providineg I get to take it for a spin when its done :excited

srsly would love to do this swap cause its something i plan on doing in the future

Well, the car is in Rochester, and I’m in Buffalo, but you are more than welcome to help. I’ll provide the beer. I’m going out tomorrow with a buddy of mine to start deconstruction. The car needs some resto work before it gets a motor.

If you make the trek out even once for a day of help you’ll get a drive, as long as you don’t hit anything, haha.

Ive only hit 1 thing knock on wood… and it was dark, rainy i was doing 5mph and the poll wasnt tall enough for mee to see thru my hatch…

None the less it happend right before i took my car off the road for winter… everytime I see it i get aggrivated…

Anyways yea sometime if I get a day to come out I will deff make the drive to come give a hand for the day

very false statement, it has a distinct sound of a chevy small block

Its simialar but its a lot smoother tone than a small block…

and if you ever here a q45 in person you can really tell the difference IMO…

but maybe my ears fool me cause im a nissan fanboi

i dunno, ive heard many of small blocks, chevy and others, and if i didnt read the title i wouldve thought that it was an ls1