attn: shift 518.

If you use it right you can, sure you can make over 1 mil in your life but getting a lump sum is not something people get every day. Ive known 2 people who have recieved lump sums of that much in my life. 1 was an inheritance, 1 was a settlement. I wouldnt say anyone and everyone fall into that class. If being a millionaire was that easy more people would do it. Sure anyone and everyone has a oppurtunity to make money and live the lifestyle they want is easy to say, but doing it is another thing.

Ok, I guess I thought you were somebody else apparently. I thought you were a guy that was in some of my classes.

Yea doing it is another thing… Get off your ass and work harder for it whether it means putting in the over time or getting another job. If you want it bad enough and believe in it, it will happen.

Right its that easy, dont tell me to get off my ass and work, I work my ass off and so does my wife. Do I have everything I want? no. No one does. Are you happy with your life? You dont think your parents ever wanted more? Everyone does. Sometimes having a family and responsibilities gets in the way of having 3 jobs and working 100 hours a week. I guess I cant really have this conversation with people who life revolves around their cars. When you move out of your parents place, get married, and have kids like 95% of everyone else in the world well talk about how easy it is to be a millionaire.

[QUOTE=waltbabyluv;316430]If you use it right you canQUOTE]

I want to add to this. It would be extremely tough and probably not a lifestyle many of us, including yourself would want to live. Give or take your age because i’m not exactly sure how old you are so we’ll go on my age. I’m 25. A million dollars would not take you to the end of your life without working. To live in a nice suburban neighborhood with a decent house your at atleast $180,000 and then throw all your taxes on it each year for the next however many years you do live. It will NOT carry you.

I wasn’t implying for you to get off your ass and work, I was making a general statement. Before you go jumping down my throat and making an assumption that I live at my parents house and my car revolves around my life think twice. I bought my first house this past year and my car is a daily driver, there isn’t a single thing done to it except for the fact that i’ve got bird shit all over it. Thanks for playing.

a million without investments. depending on interest of your savings account would not warrant a high class life style. if your COL, and spending is under control you could go some ways on it… its all in how well you want to live on it.

I’m not a huge fan of either of Cossey’s recent purchases, but I’m happy that he got some money out of his unfortunate ordeal. Believe it or not, I’ve got a good idea of what it’s like to be in his shoes (minus the settlement…could change at any moment).

Sorry, I forgot that were dealing with all High Class people here.

For sure you definitely could go a ways, not the rest of your life though.

yeah walt, didnt you know? i guess youve been out of the area for too long

whos to say how long “the rest of your life” is… sure assuming you live to 75-80 no it wont last, but as we all know. you could die at any moment…

live for today!

no, i havent been. I ve been back quite a few times, and nothing has changed.

i left for 5 years, and got back and nearly everything was the same. a few businesses have come and gone, but everything else still sucks


yeah, everything sucks here too, the 1 thing i like about here is that I have the Ocean, Casinos about 20 minutes from here and not too much further is NYC. So if im bored theres a ton of things to do.

CT is pretty nice… like most places, theres ups and downs. i think everyone should try out the west coast though. more specifically, the Pacific North West

LOL, I know several ways to make 1,000,000 into 10. It takes money to make money, and with that kind of money I can make a significant amount.

Yeah there was definitely a established scene long before i started hanging out. I remember Rbakerian had I think a red Prelude? JWilliams had the Supra, TJ had a Supra and there were a few turbo cars here and there. I actually think the scene was better, or at least more fun back then

Thats kind of what i was implying, i didnt mean 1mil could last you a lifetime with just 1mil. But if you had 1mil you could invest it, buy and sell real estate and stuff like that to spread it out and make it last.