attn: shift 518.

That’s all good, just hoping there was someone else in the room at the time

go onnnnnn… this should be an interesting story :popc:

Cossey touched your vagina?

nope not towards you walt… please i think the only active person whos been in the scene longer then you is jesus

that just violates the man code somehow. No other penis should be in the room at the same time.



There were 5 people in the room…er I mean car


Its not really like that though, ive never really considered myself “in the scene”. Ive been friend with Brooks since he was 15, Matt since he was 15, and Cossey since he was 15. So ive known these guys forever, and hung out at the lots and stuff but I have never been able to get myself to spend alot of money on modding a car. Ive never had the resources that alot of you have due to the fact I dont like to wear a rubber and I have bad timing when i try to pull out lol. Ive been around the lots with Brooks, Elliot, Dustin, Cossey and some other OG’s since about 2001 or 2002, sometime around then

before that man.

Walt did you go to HVCC for automotive around '99-'01 and drive a red Civic hatch?

You iz right brew…

I’ve only known cossey for 2 years?

Either way, hes still the same dickbag he was 2 year ago :rofl

Now he just has my dream car… so now hes more of a dickbag

Cossey is good people none the less

no, ive never owned a Honda, which is kind of wierd, out of all the cars ive owned. I think A might have to make a Honda my next car.

no argument their…

i’m more annoyed by the people who are around him now who are trying to spend his money (mainly a few in particular)

yup. i have a huge problem with that, ive had a friedn in the past that inherited about the same amount of money as Cossey. He left all his loyal/long time friends for people that rode his nuts. He surrounded himself with people that all took on the same hobbies and likings as him so he would spend his money on them to get them into it and basically after 10 years the money was gone. He now lives in a 1 Br apartment by himself with 2 cars that were sweet about 8 years ago that are worth nothing now. I just hope Cossey is careful. I know its his money, he can do whatever he wants with it but he has a oppurtunity most of us will never have, id hate to see him taken advantage of by leechers.

If Cossey doesn’t have enough common sense to control his spending and has the influences around him edging him on to spend it then he should lose all the money for being an idiot. I really hope that isn’t the case though.

i think he’ll be alright his friends are good, and hes got a good advisor helping keep him in line.

Anyone and everyone has an opportunity to make money and live the lifestyle they want to live. You choose your own path. All it takes is some hard work and discipline and you can have some of the nice things Cossey is getting to enjoy right now. You definitely can’t live off a million dollars for the rest of your life though.

tdi_logik could i bet