ATTN: Those that lift question

I’ve just started lifting about a month ago but my question is when i lift chest I never really get a burn feeling like with other smaller muscles i just get to the point where it feels heavy and I just cant push it up anymore is that normal? Anyone else the same way?

I do get sore the day after


yea its called muscle fatigue…the term ‘burnout’ references muscle fatigue to the point where 40-50lbs might be ‘too heavy’ for you to bench. You can only rip the muscles so much before they fill with blood and stop working well.
You should be sore 2 days after a good targeted workout.

its just that i never get the burning feeling like when working other muscles when im lifting chest

Do declined dumbell presses. You will burn.

Are you doing any fly exercises? Try a few variations, you can do machine, cable and/or dumbell. Chest is a big muscle group, you ought to hit it hard with at least 4 exercises that target chest.

I like Dips, barbell bench, dumbbell bench, you can do them those incline and/or decline. And the fly exercises are good as well. Try 5 or 6 exercises all on chest one day, you should feel the burn.


Grip the bar wider on bench.

yeah the narrower you go you’ll fatigue your triceps to fast and your chest won’t get shit

do dips :slight_smile:

dips are mainly for tri’s…

if you lean while doing them, i feel it like a decline press.

Decline wide grip bar/dumbbell flys always burned mine up.

Does anyone else vary wrist position a little to target the stabilizers?

dips are mainly for chest. being that the triceps are also a “push” muscle they are also worked making “dips” a compound exercise. Dips also include your delts and other various stabilizer muscles.

what is a dip?

the problem is that a flat chest press is a compound movement. You smaller “push” muscle are not as strong as your pectorals. So they fatigue more quickly which means less of a workout for the pecs. A way to correct this is to widen your grip on the Flat bench press to engage the pectoral muscle to a greater degree. You can also add fly movements and other variants of teh bench press to your workout.

another possibility is to pre fatigue your triceps and front/middle delts prior to performing a flat bench press. you could also do DB flat bench press.

there are numerous answer to your question so try a bunch of different things and find out what works for you.

bodybuilding is something that for the first few years is largely trial and error.


mainly targets the lower chest but the triceps and delts are also worked.

Yea ive done those before just never knew they were called that lol

compound exercises FTW.

Wanna feel a burn in your chest? Do some incline benching with dumbbells and say your using 60lb dbells, drop down to 30lb dbells directly after your last set and go to failure.

burn = good.

burn equals lactic acid build up in the muscle and not necessarily a good workout :):slight_smile: A good workout is achieved by increasing the work load of a targeted muscle. that is achieved by forcing the muscle to contract, isometric, concentric or eccentric, with more of a workload than it is used to.

as for compound exercises, I love them. Its all i do. Isolation exercises are far and few between in my workouts. there are a few muscles that have to be isolated, like biceps, to grow.