ATTN: tuff ass sully

wait… you go to the same gym as adam and deadbeatdipshit? fuck that im not going. im not trying to get checked out while im gettin my swell on

PJB was doin WERK on the situp machine today

Believe me with all the nice looking girls there I wouldnt be looking at you.

yeah, I was

Strong work Adam

Thanks man, gettin there slowly but surely!

yeah youd be thinkin about their little brothers

i need to start goin to the gym ,get rid off some of this extra fat on me .

No, youre wrong (and a fucking douchebag).
Some nice looking girls there tonight for sure.

Gold’s is probably the closest to you and its $20 a month. I could see if my cousin (he’s a member) has some kind of free pass or something if youre serious.

Ive got a 2 week free trial for Best but thats probably too far for you to come.

im clearly kidding paulio no need to bring out the hate words


My max is 180. I did that in Ukraine. Never lifted weights in my life.

Im gunning for 225 VERY soon, and 275 by the end of the year, we shall see what happens!

really its annoying when you keep replying to my posts with dumb shit about molesting kids.

Start comin with ni9!

I’m sorry. :‘(:’(:‘(:’(:‘(:’(

I’m not really fat. I’m not exactly huge either. From what my cousin in Ukraine told me (the one who benches like 500), 180lbs for someone who works on computers/doesn’t work out is quite good. No idea where I get this “strength” from.

Me benching 80kg and my cousin spotting me:

No…that is not 50lbs or whatever lol. That’s two 25kg’s and 2 10’s + bar or something like that lol.

So I should be able to max at about 350 by the end of the year? :crazy

-Good luck with that. Doesn’t seem like a realistic goal, IMO. You make big gains in the beginning, but it slows down.


I was at the gym putting up 350 earlier
