atv riding this weekend

Word. So so far its:

??? Any others?

What about Brian (sloth)?

So were doing this at 2 on Sunday, right?

2 is a little late IMO

it its pitch black out by 5 now.

That seems to be the time/day so far! Im sure Hatefield will go, Ill ask Brian but last time he ducked out on us…


I should be able to do 1. Ive got a few things to do in the morning until a little after noon.
Ive got no problems riding in the dark

Hatefield said hes in!

Sloth is a no go, being gay and such

He’s out with my brother now. My brother’s doing a roof this weekend so he’s out.

Wtf are they doin now?? lol

Dunkin Donuts like every thursday night

Cute… :lmao

yea 1 o clock will be good.

Ill just do what I need to do a little earlier and Ill be fine.
Gotta see how it rides with the new tires I put on 2 weeks ago and havent ridden it since.

I may possibly be down to go. But I’ll most likely leave right from the shop and meet up wit ya’s …

Cool, lemme know Hank!!

How is it riding that strip of tracks? Ive always thought there were alot of cops there so I never tried it. The last time I headed towards that way a few guys in a truck stopped me on Cordell road and warned me that there were cops up that way. I came out of the power lines on Kings road and rode up Cordell to the tracks.

Adam your going to need to give me the address to your house…

or maybe I could just meet Pete at his house around 12.30 and head down???

There fine and the pigs haven’t been around cause no body has been riding lately. the busyer secrets and the tracks r the more the cops r there… been quite for a few months now…

Cliff notes… when and where??? My bike is still covered in mud from the day befor I went down on the street. My ribs still hurt a bit but I wana ride.

Are you guys talking about the trails at the rotterdizel junction? If so I am down… might have another dude to go with us too.