Audi, the new honda?

Maintenance this and maintenance that.

I’ve owned Audi’s for the last 7 years and have never had any major issue with any of them. I have a 01 and a 04 A4 right now and have done nothing in major repairs. People keep saying the 1.8t is unreliable yet it’s one of the best and most solid motors VAG has ever produced. The issues with those motors are with sludge, if you run regular oil over synthetic be prepared for problems… Coilpacks are another issue yet i’ve never had one go on me. Only thing that really ever went on me was the MAF in my B5 and that was my fault by not letting the K&N filter dry properly…

I had a 1990 Coupe that I had to throw a bunch of money into, but that car sat for over 7 years in a driveway so the fuel lines where all rotted and brakes and calipers where shot. After I got those issues taken car of it ran like a champ and I ended up selling it to a guy in Conn who to this day has had no issues with it…

Buy an Audi with low miles and perform all the regular maintenance and you will be fine… Buy a high mileage Audi that has no maintenance history and then you can be like most on here and bitch about how bad they suck…

Going to get on my flame suit now…