Aussie Floyd - Benedum Center - Monday, October 5th

Tickets go on sale Friday.


seeing the machine playing with the pittsburgh symphony orchestra in july :slight_smile:


ordered my tickets today… The promo code is PIG if you want to preorder. Got some pretty decent seats in orchestra

werd. Just bought mine as well! Good call on the promo code!

woot hopefully i get to use my ticket this year lol

coming up on monday! woot can’t wait


They were on pbs a few weeks ago. Enjoy the tribute band.

yeah saw it pbs they put on hell of a show

i got an extra ticket if anyone would like to attend

Edit, I meant to say not bad, but, still has that tribute feel. Definitely worth checking out.

I’ll be there tonight for sure. Missed them last time they came…

Show was excellent, better than the Machine a few months back. Still doesn’t touch the real Floyd live (saw them in 1994 division Bell Tour).

Ran into Whitey and Jeff (bigblockelcamino) at the Grille @ 7th as well.

def a good show. people missed out if they didn’t go

damn, I missed it.

Un-fucking-believable. Words cannot describe it. I came very much prepared and that definitely helped.

Where the fuck were your seats? Somehow I got stuck in the very back row underneath the balcony. It kinda sucked because it messed with the stereo sound and all that but other than that, AMAZING FUCKING SHOW.

Since last night’s show sold out so fast they are doing another night tonight. There are a TON of tickets on Craigslist for those raging homosexuals who somehow missed it last night.

did you have orchestra seats? we were row x

I dunno what would be considered orchestra. I was in row W under the balcony way on the right side.

Orchestra was right in front of the stage (actually the pit is the first five rows from the stage, Orchestra starts from there, but center stage section only. I was in the fourth row Orchestra section, dead fucking center. Killer shit indeed.