Auto industry: Ford vs the UAW...


really why dont you start your own business and pay everyone 20 a hour and give them the best benefits anyone can offer… i dont think you would feel the same way…


Maybe you should take an english class. Everything I wrote went way over your head.

all i hear coming out of your mouth is gimme gimme gimme… you actually had something else to say in this thread? /gasp

You just missed it with your tunnel vision! Better sign up for that class.

my company doesn’t need to hire union members & we don’t have to give back wages to thrive. our wages are set by a free market economy :dunno:

Yeah, you want fries with that?

Unfortunately, most people only see the union protecting the guy that gets busted with coke, sleeping on the job or some other negative behavior.

The union was very useful way back in the day, but ran into problems in the 60s and 70s with corruption and getting too deep into politics. Today the union is a business and it needs to be. THe union and company agree to a contract, and quite frequently the company will do things that violates that agreement. Lawyers are then necessary and lawyers cost money.

Having worked on both sides, union and non-union, I can tell you that I am much better off on the union side of the fence. It is nice to know that someone has your back.

Everything was always peachy keen at any of the non-union companies that I worked for, as long as I said “yes sir”. Soon after saying “no” to management for whatever reason, “can you stay tonight?” “could you do me a favor?” most employees find themselves getting the short end of the stick and subsequently suffering until management forgets or finds someone else to pick on.

Unions are not the same as they were in the 60s and 70s and they do still have a place.

:rofl: really… quit my last job as Bank Account Executive (b2b) to accept Asst Director of Admissions for a university. :tool:

i get things done within a day that on paper say it will take upwards of half a month to deploy…

the company i’m working at’s union workers (building requirment :jerkit:) get paid over 100 an hour to run wires in overhead tressels in a room that is about 3500 sq ft… takes them 6 - 25 days to get the job done and you still have to hold their hand to make sure it’s right. i could do it within an hour or two… no fucking shit!

duh? haha… but seriously, it just sucks when the situation of ‘someone having your back’ is (usually) a bunch of people that are too greedy or just plain dumb to accept the fact that some companies net cost fluctuates and rate requirements change… driving a company into the ground because that have to maintain that 150/hr quote from the early 90’s is pretty fuckin sad. there are ups and downs in businesses but not in the amount of union guys required for the job or the rate that which they charge… it’s just one of those things…

i’m sure it’s great to work for / with a union… why woulnd’t it be??? but you have to admit that it does put a strain on businesses from all aspects… i don’t hold you against working of one or being pro-union but be assured there is life outside a union… they just might make you work for it :kekegay:

yelo69 - you’re an idiot.

Read your own post moron! Whats the matter, the truth too much to take?

Looks like your coworkers made the money and you only get a pat on the back. But as long as your happy.

LOL … you read the post asshole…

they aren’t my coworkers… and i assure you i make more money than a peon union worker :rofl: i suggest you educate yourself before you look like more of a dickhead.

Gee, I’m sorry I missed your credentials.
Getting more than a peon union worker at “100 an hour” [your quote], you must be doing quite well.

Really don’t understand why everyone is so pissed off at me for defending workers, all workers…but if you want to keep them coming I’ll be sure to give you answers whether you like em or not.

you’re the business economics expert…
what the union bills for a service is not what the worker takes home…

gee… i can’t imagine why people would be getting pissed… calling people idiots and morons… haha… don’t be dumbfounded for too long… you can PM me for an explaination.

you missed my credentials just like you missed the point and probably the same way you’re missing the logic in your responces.

No one is against defending workers when it’s warranted. But if the people have been overcompensated for their position, then I think a more appropriate response should be something like, “well at least they were able to make as much as they could before things got so bad that they were laid off”.

Now that’s only if that really is the scenario, that they are overcompensated. If there’s a situation where they were not overcompensated, and something else led to their being layed off, like poor management or bad business decisions, then I would have all the sympathy in the world for them.

Do you at least agree with this?

Pretty sure if It doesn’t come from Yelo, then he wont agree with it. I read the whole thread. Seems everytime a valid counterpoint is brought up Yelo reverts to the same lame ass point. Unions a great cause I’m getting more. Good for you. Don’t bitch when you cripple business owners and loose your jobs. Fuck unions, I buy alot of steel, and stupid unions have driven the price up way too high. So fuck unions cause they cost me.

If you look back at my posts, the idiot and moron names were called to people who jumped my ass without reading my previous posts without understanding them. This all started after post#4 then snowballed after that.
Look at that post and tell me the harm in it.
As far as the union goes like it or not, [ and personally I don’t like the way they run] you must admit, they are some of the best paying jobs out there.
I never claimed to be an expert but STOP A LOOK at my posts. If a company can’t afford to pay a wage why do they? As far as I’m concerned it’s simple mathematics. You can’t sell 20 dollar bills for 10 dollars.

I probably have a few more years in the workforce then most everybody here, and have seen the downfall of the mills and the rest of the industry in the area. I’m SICK AND TIRED of seeing a company hit hard times and everyone blame it on the employees, which is the way this thread started.
I also know that probably most everybody here does not make enough money to be comfortable. So that is the reason that I can’t conceive the idea of taking a pay cut, and it angers me greatly that a lot of peoples answer is give it back and keep your job.
You might consider my logic twisted, but you must admit it is straight forward, and more times than not is correct.
All I’m asking is reread my answers and STOP AND THINK about them before jumping my ass. If you need futher explaination of my thoughts, just ask and I’ll answer twisted or not…

Domination, the only counter point has been, fuck the union, and everyone else make too much…sorry but I can’t understand.

jeff95ta, I was writing before I saw your post [1 finger]. Agreed,probably the most thought out post yet, but you must admit there hasn’t been very many answers like yours through the rest of the posts.

When I was in the military I too would work miracles just as you do fshowcars and on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, I did the same thing at pretty much every company that I worked at that was non-union. I tried to do it in a union shop when I was much younger and got laid off and was never called back. That pretty much ended my union supporting days. Fast forward and I am much more cautious and far more educated. Being a superstar and smashing out jobs is wonderful for emergency situations and when there are deadlines to be met. But what about day to day when things are slow? If things stay slow but superstars still continue to smash out jobs in order to stay busy, then there is even less work. The trick is to find the balance and not be greedy. The problem with this mentality in a non-union environment is that there is always someone that is willing to be a superstar and sell their soul to get the jobs or do the work. The person not so willing to do this gets shit canned in short order, or life is made so miserable for the person that they quit.

It is unfortunate that most of the union politicians are too greedy or short sighted to see that times must change. Gotta stick to that contract, even if it puts everyone out of a job. This mentality changing. My son’s best friend’s dad works for US Air as a pilot. He has several project cars going and a garage as big as my house. He was one of the smart ones and planned for the rainy days. Now as they have to take concessions on health care, and pay, many pilots are struggling to make ends meet. The overwhelming majority says that they would much rather take the concessions and have a job rather than be unemployed.

When the turnpike workers went on strike people were appalled at how much they made and how could they and blah, blah, blah. They stand in a freakin’ booth and collect money, how hard could it be? Take whatever you do for a living and just imagine sitting or standing in the booth with absolutely nothing to do for 8-10 hours a day for 30 years. How long could you do it? Would $5.00 an hour be worth it? Not me. This falls into the category of “undesirable jobs”. As such "undesirable jobs"are compensated monetarily.

There is going to be good and bad on both sides of the fence. In alot of ways the unions are the last great hope of the american worker, and in other ways they are their worst nightmare. One thing is for certain, companies still will try to get as much as they possibly can from their employees, there is a long line of people willing to say “Yes Sir!!!” and take it right on the chin to give the company what they want, there will always be superstars out there trying to work themselves out of work, and their will always be (corrupt) politicians working for the best (or worst) interest of their special interest group.

What can we do? What should we do?