i’m not a miricle worker… i’m just a hard worker and that’s why i’m compensated as so…
dont’ get me wrong… i’m not out there crushing out work, i do project work and an end is in the future… that’s the turn-around with business and it should not be a reason for people to give less effort… i’m just saying that in a situation i’ve been asked to get shit done ASAP and have… the union guys drag their feet and bust out the defense before lifting a finger… it was one example of the idiots out there that hide behind the union and prolong outages or projects or what have you. it’s my personal experience within the last month of union bullshit … i have a long list… we can search for a memory refresher… haha.
hero, you work with technology… if you’re a hard worker your company is going to want to keep you around… and technology is ever growing so a loss of a job due to inactivity is almost unheard of, but only if the company is smart and keeps growing… union constraints are sometimes (reason this thread was started) a direct cause of a failing company… what to do then?