Auto Insurants Questions

So this is the story and sorry about the grammar. I own a 2005 Chevy Cobalt LS (non SS) When I bought it I did not have enough credit for a load. So the loan is in my fathers name and I am on it also. The title of the car just has my fathers name on it. We can only register it in his name. I lost my insurance about 2 months ago and now am just starting to find a new one (cars off the road). Because of my car accents State Farm (my old insurance) was 4000 year. So what my father and I can up with is put the car in his name only with a different company other then his own but I will drive it. Now the question I have is what’s a good company and what are the pros and cons. I will pay the monthly payment just the insurants will be in his name not both like it was.

Is this a joke? you dont know how to spell the word insurance? lol no offense man but you could have cracked out the dictionary for that one.

auto insurgents ? are you planning on packing this car w/ explosives and blowing it up someplace ? (please say yes)


auto insurgents ? are you planning on packing this car w/ explosives and blowing it up someplace ? (please say yes)



Damit it I really can’t spell for shit. But I typed this in word first to spell check it. I need to just die now LOL.

You suck at life.

wow… this is what the generation has become… over relied upon spell check? i think i heard pumice and newman groan from here.

what the fucking fuck


Damit it I really can’t spell for shit. But I typed this in word first to spell check it. I need to just die now LOL.


::rubs head:: damn schooling system.

Call or goto websites for insurgant comapnies you may have heard of.

then take all their prices… and call the HIGH PRICES ‘Cons’ and the low prices ‘PROS’.


auto insurgents ? are you planning on packing this car w/ explosives and blowing it up someplace ? (please say yes)


LOL!!! :lolsign::banghead::mamoru:

I am sorry for my spelling problems. Shit happens. Not everone is good at everything. But can anyone here help me with the questions.
all have online quote systems


…When I bought it I did not have enough credit for a load. …


i don’t know why but this made me lol. fuck i need more beer.

If you need insurance than buy it, there are a zillion companies out there.

If you have a loan out on a car, then you need to have collision and a lower deductible on it, which translates into a higher insurance premium.

Sounds like you can’t afford the car or the insurance, so honestly just unload the new cobalt and get a beater.

Drive less, read more. :tup:

If you have a thing for accidents, get Progressive. My uncles own their own insurance agency and have been in the business for 30+ years, so I trust their advice. They put me on Progressive because they’re the easiest on young drivers and most likely to pay their claims.

i think i know the problem, because he doesnt have car insurance he cant drive it on the road, so he just sits with his car in the garage with the door closed revving the engine. OOPS!

also, my brother is on pregressive and they appear to be reeming him so i dont know.