Insurance tricks

Hey i did a quick search as im low on time here, but i couldnt find what i was looking for.

Please dont lock it, i really need help on this one.

Does anybody have any tricks or know howto get aroudn the three car rule, where you automatically become the primary driver?

I want to buy a 240 badly this weekend, but insurance is the only thing
standing in my way at this point. Somebody please come to my recue!!!


come on u can afford it, i paid 360 a month in grade 12 i was fine, u just need to work

No, i cant work during the school year, ive literally got no time. I finish school at 4:30 everyday, then have swimming for 2 hours 7 times a week :shock:

Tell me thoguh, might this work…

If lets say my parents insure 3 cars under their name as primary ,then i come along LATER and say i wanna be secondary, will they allow that?


Is it technically ‘not illegal’ to just drive my parents cars without me being on the policy?

I suggested that you just insure it under your mom’s and odn’t mention you on the policy at all.

I’m pretty sure this is still legal, I drove my mom’s car 100s of times without being on the policy, and have been pulled over several times with no problems.

Since it’s legal to lend out your car it’s like my mom lending it to me :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure it would be fine in case of an accident, but can someone clear it up? thanks.

Face it Bub, you’re fcuked. There’s no way around that one.

u have to be on a insurance policy to be insured…if u have 3 cars, and 3 people each person is a primary driver on one of the vehicles…no matter what its going to be like 200 atleast even as secondary…maybe u should get ur shit sorted out, 240 or swimming and school…its expensive, they arent great on gas, a 60 litre tank for 500km’s or a civic for 30 litres and 500km’s…its what u want man

You are a terrible human being :shock: ^^

My grandparents dont live in this country…

says who though? did you actually ask someone from the company or are you just saying it cause taht’s what you think? if you have to be on the insurance to even DRIVE the car then why did I not get ticketed any of the times I got pulled over for not being on insurance? And why do I not get ticketed when my friends let me drive their cars for a few days? I’m 100% sure you don’t HAVE to be on the policiy to drive the car, if you lend it to your homeboy and he sticks it in a ditch he’s still covered…, but there MIGHT be an exception to this if you live at the same address or something, that’s why I asked.

you’ll be fine from the cops

but god help you and your family if you get in an accident while committing insurance fraud

he is correct bud, you are covered under your ____'s (mom, dad, whatever) policy if you have a policy of your own.

same goes for friends, as long as your friend will admit to lending you the car and that you didn’t steal it… if you have your own policy elsewhere you are covered.

i JUST went through this at work

I win, mike gets owned :slight_smile:

John are you saying I have to have a seperate insurance policy that i’m insured on to be covered in case of accident?

IE, I have a policy with bel air, where I’m primary on the two foeeeeeety, and my mom has a policy with pilot, where she is primary on her car and my civic. I drive my civic all the time, so i’m legal?

And if I was to cancel the policy on the 240 it would become illegal?

If you still live with your parents and your address is the same as theirs on your drivers license, you are pretty much screwed.

No matter who calls the insurance company to insure the 3rd car, they’ll still see that there are 3 valid drives licenses in the same household. If you, or your dad or your mom wants a 3rd car, each of the drivers will have to be a primary driver on one of the cars.

If you think about that, that does make sense… just not from our point of view :smiley:

okay so what about my scenario where I just live with my mom and when she insured the civic (“her” 2nd car) they didnt make me go on primary or on the insurance at all ?

yeah, it wouldn’t be legal for you to drive her car… technically, it’s her car since it’s under her name and the insurance is under her name. So the car itself is insured (from theft and so on), but you are not, since you will cancel your policy for the 240…

edit: you must be on her policy as a second driver if you want to drive the car.

well first of all i’m suspending the policy, not cancelling it…

but even if I’m not insured at all, it’s still legal for me to drive my friend’s cars, no ?

suspended insurance policy = no liability coverage (that’s about 70% of your actualy premium… everything else is peanuts)

You can drive you friends car if he gives it to you. But the same principle as I stated above applies here as well.

speaking of which, if you borrow your friends car and you crash and get injured, you can legally sue your friend (or his insurance company) for damages. Yup, that’s all legal, right here in Ontario guys…

are you seroius? if I don’t have my own policy and my friend gives me his/her car and i put it in a ditch I’m not covered? that doesnt’ make snese :confused: why ? even if I WAS insured, his/her insurance company would be the one paying for damages, so why does it matter if I was insured ?

relating back to ur post with me, and all these other posts and to clear this up a bit

if the PERSON driving the car DOES NOT have insurance of their own, they will not be covered. The point of insurance is that your paying for you to drive the car, and paying if it gets stolen or hit If the person driving your car has their own insurance policy then they are covered under their insurance…fo

r example…i have a policy which includes my buick and my 240, i have everything…i am insured under uninsured vehicles with my insurance…there for if i got buy another car lets say i buy a 1990 chev 1500, i can legally get a 10 day permit and drive it home with MY insurance for my buick and my 240…why can i do this, because MY insurance policy is covering me and the vehicle im driving…my moms friend is my insurance agent at statefarm, she explained this to me when i first started driving

there ya go…its a messed up system but it makes sense, that way people just dont go under insurance and drive their parents cars, like what whoever is trying to do

but then, if you look at someone who has a G1, they arent covered under any insurance, they do not pay a premium. Why? Because when we pay for our G1 X amount of money goes into a government fund which covers us under any persons with a G and 5 years driving experience…there for they do not need insurance

THey won’t give you a 10 day without haveing hte buick on the policy will they :S

Vadim, you could be covered when you drive your buddy’s car if he has a proper insurance policy which includes cases like those.

I just talked to my mom about this and it got REALLY complicated, LOL…

so to sum it up, the guys insurance policy must include a case like that and even then it’s not 100% sure that you will be covered. Insurance companies will always try to pay the least amount to anyone at any given time… that’s the bottom line.

Best advice I’ve heard from my mom is not to drive someone elses car and not to let anyone drive your own car! That’s the only way you’ll be 100% sure you are covered in an accident (as well as the other people).

Keep that in mind every time you borrow someone elses car or you lend yours to someone…