auto pilot bushing removal problem help :(

auto-manual conversion

ok im tryign to remove the auto pilot bushing so i can put in my manual one.
i have a bearing puller and its not working.
ive tried using vicegrips lol.

what should i do ?

any specialty tools you guys advise or any methods?

thanks so much


NVm i figured it out

vice grips with pry bar in the middle wack on pry bar with hammer pop

its out no need for no damn specialty tools

I just heated the crankshaft a bit and mine fell out like butter


wow, i had soo much trouble with mine… nothing worked until my daddy made me a tool that would take it off at work :stuck_out_tongue:

now i have a tool to do it, so i’m the pamp sh1t. 8)

He made you a tool?

Do you have a picture of this tool?

lol, i can take a pic when i get home from work :slight_smile:

tools make jobs go by faster.