Pilot Bearing puller

Anyone got? I need it for like a 10min job.

Preferablly in Brampton/Mississauga


Gautam, go to part source, they loan them out for free.
Just like a $80 deposit or something.


Done and done this weekend.

does the puller also put a pilot bearing in

are you serious? :slap:

No man, you have to install with a piece of wood, or a tefflon bushing installer works even better. I have a couple here, but the wood works good.

pilot bearing puller… newb’s… it can be done in about 30 seconds with the tools you already have gonad… you use grease and a 1/2 extention… see if you can figure it out… if you can’t just pm me and I’ll explain :slight_smile:

I already know of this method but I don’t feel like packing it with grease.
If I can get it for free from PS, why bother with the grease method?

It’s like using your left hand to scratch your right ear; it’s possible but
why not just use your right hand? (My dad always uses this quote and it
makes perfect sense).

but what if you are so used to how it feels with your right hand and just want something different for a change… :wink:

My point is why go and get something you don’t need… no wonder it takes you so long to get stuff done. :slight_smile:

I went by CT today (didn’t get aroudn to PS yet) and they didn’t have a
bearing puller. Since CT = PS in most ways, I’m starting to speculate PS
not having one either :dunno:

Partsource will have it, there loan a tool selection is alot bigger than CT.
If they dont, MSN me, i can get you it from my work needbe…

stop loaftaging. :wink:

i have a brand new in the package pilot bearing from nissan . .

let me know who wants it!! 5$

wood dowl, grease. Find a peice that just fits into the bushing. Thro some grease in the whole push. Done.


!) Someone already mentioned that
2) I already said NO to the idea
3) No need for someone to remind me to try again (see #2)
4) Done

!) Someone already mentioned that
2) I already said NO to the idea
3) No need for someone to remind me to try again (see #2)
4) Done[/quote]

:lol: Why would you say no to the idea. Its not even an idea, its the oldest trick in the book and it works damn good. There is no need for wasting money on some ‘special’ puller. You asked for help, I offered you an easy solution with stuff that you should probably be able to find in your garage. DONE.


based on Andrews reply…

I “Assume” your talking about the Pilot BUSHING! and how ever someone can confuse a Bushing with a Bearing is beyond me “even thou it seems to be a common thing”

I use Andrews method and it takes a few seconds “you’ll spend more time driving to Part Source to get the damn tool”

but what if you are so used to how it feels with your right hand and just want something different for a change… :wink:[/quote]

lol i dont know why this is funny i think im high