Auto to manual swap with RHD parts

Does anyone know if the clutch assembly from a RHD 240 will bolt right onto an s14 or s13?

no the clutch pedal doesn’t bend the correct way.

You cant use the pedals…or the master cylender…well you could use the master but you would have to make the line longer it wouldent be a big deal but a new one if only 60$ anyways, im not sure if the slave has a problem.

have everything but the clutch pedal assembly if anyone has let me know

I am looking for clutch and break pedals too so anyone let me know also haha

Can the RHD clucth pedal be modified to work?

I was pretty sure that the answer was no but then Varun tells me you can with a bit of cutting? so i dont know anymore…

even if it could i thikn it would b akward

Man where are some of you guys getting your information?!

I installed an S14 RHD clutch pedal assembly into my brothers S14 two weeks ago and it fit perfectly fine.

yup, this is true…it fits 100% perfectly…