JDM Clutch Pedal Confirmation?

Has anyone personally installed an S14 JDM clutch pedal into the USDM S14. Are they EXACTLY the same? I’ve heard conflicting stories now. Some say perfect fit some say it will be a little skewed to the left?


Im doing a RHD converion right now and I can say that the pedals are not the same.

Let me know if you need some pics, and I’ll take some tonight when i get home


hey peter, it needs minor shaving and it will work perfectly…
talk to john souljourner - he did it.

Can anyone confirm whether the 180SX (RHD) pedal bracket assembly/clutch master is exactly the same as the S13 240SX (LHD) except that the master cylinder line outlets are on opposite side ? I have the 180SX one if anyone has a pic of the 240SX one.

Why the hell would you convert a north american rust bucket to RHD when you can buy a MINT RHD from Japan for less than what the car+engineswap+RHD conversion will cost you?


tokyo drift styleeeeez JDM wat wat

First, I really dont have to justify why i am doing this but if it bugs you to know, its because I like to challenge myself.

I gain a great deal of satisfaction knowing that I can do something that others just dream about.


bolting all the shit from a junked front clip onto your car isnt hard, its just stupid. Im not saying you CAN’T do it, Im saying why would you want to. You can import an S13 from Japan for under 5G’s

well i got the car for 100 bucks …so i tore it down stirpped everything out of it …including the undercoating got a junk rhd fire wall and started to cut everyhting out . now while i am welding everything up nicely and stitching the seams and fitting a cage i am saving money i would have had to spend on a chassis to put into the engine and other project cars but hey why do i have to explain my self and better question why are you posting in this thread?

Why am I posting?
Well I guess I cant help myself from commenting on things I find to be silly… Like doing a RHD conversion on a $100 car. But hey, good luck.

yup to each his own

Hey Koukis14,

I’ll PM you the info you need about the pedals. This spliner guy sure knows how to piss people off.

He should just go take daddys money and buy a GM


You’re the one doing a pointless and dangerous conversion to be JDM tyte.

you know …im not to sure but i had heard that cutting a firewall and welding your own is a lil illeagle and more or less not safe. but when you get it done i would love to see how it looks post some pics :slight_smile:

I’m not really concerned about getting it legite for the road, its actually going to be a drift car, with plans to road race in the future.

Inspiration for this comes from Sasha

I’ve been collecting pix of the project and will be posting them on a web site soon.


been there done that. waste of time. (rhd conversion that is) Drilled out all the spotwelds with cut weld cutter, and bla bla bla. Whatever floats your boat kid.

Anyways. Peter, the gas pedal in the cefiro when i use a north american pedal sits closer to the brake, when i use the JDM pedal it moves closer to the door.

50 Centra … I’m going to jump on the Spilner badnwagon here.

You do realize RHD conversions died out with the Hondas right?

And how does a car built on simplicity and ingenuity (ie Sasha’s car … just don’t tell him I said so) have anything in common with senseless modifcations like switching to RHD?

It must be the reduced visibility, or maybe trying to balance out your left arm strength. I have a feeling your right is probably way stronger from all the … hehehe … practice.

And it’s not a challenge bolting something into a car that was meant to go there anyway. Oooh, what’s the next great accomplishment? JDM Umbrella holder? Screwdriver keychain? Maybe the ultimate challenge, but … I don’t know if anyone has had the stones to try a gasp Silvia headlight conversion!

Too bad Spilner ALREADY spent his OWN money on a RHD Sivlia.

He’s not being angry, just speaking from experience.

RHD is an inconvenience the LHD world puts up with for the sake of having a JDM engine in their car.

the JDM S13 pedals from my clip compared to the usdm S14 pedals are totally different. the usdm pedals curve around the steering column, and the JDM pedals are almost straight down. i dont really see how would that work imo. correct me if im wrong though.