auto-x crunch time: project insomniac

I thought I was homefree…Went to get an alignment today and found two broken struts. Back to stockers on the front for a while.

always seems to happen at the last minute ya know. ahh well fuck it.

I’m about ready to throw the towel in. I need too much shit to get it done in time. So I’ll stop running around and just take my time so that I can have it ready for the next event. So, anyone looking for a codriver???

Jim I can help you with ur car when I finish mine. Day 4 of project insomniac starts now. I just got some more timmy hos and I’m ready to go.

I’ve been thinking it over, and yeah, i’d like to get a hoist sometime friday…I have class from 12-3 but I’m now free the rest of the night friday after 3. call me if you get a chance 316-8454

project insomniac day 4 update: pretty mellow night with no hardcore work. The waterjackets in the block actually look pretty decent after an acid bath. bolted up alt, waterpump, thermostat housing to the shorty. The tops of the sleeves still look like hell but I’ve got em cleaned up about as good as they’re getting. This fucker better seal. This shorty that I got with supposedly 51k kilometers looks more like it had 151k kilometers. I should snap a pic of what the water pump that was on it looked like. It’s rediculous. I won’t be pissed about the shorty as long as the compression numbers are good though. Emery papered the hotspots from the flywheel, oiled up the other block and put it in a garbage bag for later use :wink: and got it the fuck outta the way. Basically cleaned up the garage a little bit for some more room. Every thing is pretty much ready for assembly now minus my tranny problem which I’ll be taking care of tomorrow (I hope).

I was gunna put the shorty in tonight and start bolting shit up to it…but decided getting a hoist and assembling outside of the car on an engine stand is just soooooo much easier. My back is killing me as it is and I don’t feel like leaning over an engine bay anymore. Instead I’ll look through my helms and write down all the bolt assembly patterns and torque specs to save time later (I’m surprised I don’t have these memorized by now). And I have to make a list to go pick up some more tools because I’ve broken about 5 tools in the past 4 days. Fucking weak ass sockets. Anyway time to go watch WRC France because I’ve yet had time to watch it. That’ll be a nice reward for the past 4 days of labor. And holy shit I get to sleep a few hours tonight!

YOU CAN DO IT!!! Hope to see it out this saturday or sunday.

damn…i heard about that…
sorry to hear!
goodluck with it :smiley:

i dunno if im gonna be able to autoX this first event either…

hahahha, No more axel stuck in my tranny biatches!!! about fucking time. Thank god for a punch and a BFH.

wtf have you done to my car?

Good Luck otherwise.

Well, my brakes are still half way between here and California… so, project “Oh shit, No Brakes!” is still not even started :frowning: I guess I’ll have to skip this whole weekend… sigh

Hope you get your car finished in time Andy! You need a hand, call my cell. PM me if you need the number again


edit: technically, the entire motor and drivetrain from the hatch is in my 99…and it’s running beautifully. :slight_smile:

tick tock.

hows it coming?

ready for the auto-x motherfucker!

just got done putting on the finishing touches and loading the thing up…see you guys in the morn.

i hope chris brings CRUNK!!! other wise your going to crash … mentally lol

I didnt’ make it :frowning: My brakes are still on a truck somewhere between California and here.

:tup: to you making it! Hopefully you ran well today

what is/was this autox everyone has been prepping for?

only the greatest amateur local racing events! SCCA Solo II, or autocross, is held in a large parking lot, and is a course setup with cones marking “gates” that you have to navigate. It is a good time. You should stop by our next event on sunday at NCCC and check it out.

Bring the girl in your avatar to NCCC next sunday and you can find out…

Its a good time come to watch, see if you like it, ask a few people for rides most people are willing to have a ride along, i know i am but i suck.