auto-x edinburg,ny may 22nd and 23rd

Yeah…Bruce will definately be there. And he’ll be there for ANOTHER 100 years.

Close…there were 2-3 that beat me and one was within a few tenths behind me. But the majority of the Tri-vette group were running 1:17s and 1:18s.

But yeah…whether you have a 90hp car or 500hp car doesn’t matter. No need for excuses of “too much power so I can’t race my car”…or “my car is too slow…it’s a waste of time”. Stop crying about slow cars…I drive a friggin Civic. If your car has “too much power”…learn to drive with your foot. If it has “not enough power”…learn to drive with your head. It’s not about laptimes…it’s about seat time. I’d be racing whether I have a Metro or a Koenigsegg. /blabbering

Someone make an official list of who’s going from both forums so we know who to expect to meet up in the morning.

Going to meet up at that same autozone/strip mall parking lot again?

I might have to finally pop my autox cherry this year, instead of just hard parking my car in the garage most of the year. If I dont come up to race, Ill at least come up to watch and get my feet wet.

This is a great venue to watch, if you look in the 2nd or 3rd post of this thread I put up a video, you can see the whole track real well from that angle (there’s always people up there watching too) and you can obviously chill in the “pit”/staging lane area and by the time booth.

Affirmative…between 8:30 and 9:00am.

Just incase anyone doesn’t know…
Registration ends at 10:30
Drivers meeting at 10:45.
First car on the track at 11:00.
All helmets must be SNELL2005 or newer.

Ok ive gotta take this day off. Getting pretty pumped. Then three weeks later is watkins glen!

“I dont make it fast, im all about making it look good”

lol… that guy will outdrift anyone around this area, straight up. Bruce is DK… no doubt.

I LOVE Bruce hahaha. That is exactly the outlook I want to have on life when I’m 65+

oh he’ll be there i think he turns 82 this year?

Shit i thought it was 92.

will not be participating

Of course not… you can’t even figure out how to hook up a bluetooth earpiece for ps3, what would make me think you’d know how to drive your car? Man up.

haha ffff youuuuu cliff… im telling you, that fucking blue tooth my brother got me is busted

lol. I gotta get my ass on… you still play? I rarely find time to get on anymore. Shitty schedule with my job… but good things are coming and I’ll have more time and better hours.

I slowed down big time, honestly, I got sick off all the cheaters and extremely hardcore players.

i would like to do an auto-x but my 21st birthday is the day before this event and i have plans for that weekend. i will definitely go to another one.

already have the days off. i will def. be there! should be a hell of a good time.

Nice man…it’ll he nice to actually see you around more than once a year lol.

Who’s ACTUALLY going? Add your name to the list…


Who’s ACTUALLY going? Add your name to the list…

RC1488 Sat Only

Sunday is Mohud’s season opener so I’ll be there.