Auto-X regulations?

So Underboosted and I were wondering about auto crossing our buggies. I was wondering what are typical regulations on cars to be ran at a event?

Both buggies run about 7ft long and have dot tires, 4 point harness’s, and completely tubular chassis. Only thing different between them, are suspension and power plants.

Ask here.

I wanna run mine so bad!

plenty to read,

A Solo event is open to any vehicle that can pass safety inspection, has the minimum bodywork specified by these Rules, and is properly muffled, except that vehicles with wheelbases exceeding 116” may be excluded by the Event Chairman if he determines, at his discretion, that they cannot readily negotiate the course. This decision shall be made in advance if possible and included in the advance publicity and supple- mentary regulations. Cars need not be licensed or licensable for road use, so long as they otherwise comply with these Rules.
Cars designated as being of a model year later than the current year are not eligible to compete in Divisional, Tour, or Solo National Cham- pionships, unless they have been specifically classed by the SEB. A newly-classed model or option package is not eligible for the current year’s Solo National Championships unless its listing was published no later than the July issue of the official SCCA publication.
Unstable vehicles with a high center of gravity and a narrow track, in- cluding SUV’s, minivans, and 4WD pickups, must be excluded. (See “Guidelines from the SSC” at the end of Appendix E.) Examples of such vehicles are listed in Appendix A. Extra caution should be exercised with non-traditional vehicles, e.g. trucks using racing slicks.
Physically disabled drivers may use alternate vehicle controls and prep- aration items appropriate for the nature of their disability. In the case of a driver using alternate controls, extra care should be taken to ensure that the driver does have adequate control of the vehicle, and that the control mechanisms can stand up to competition use. A waiver from the SCCA Solo Department is required for the use of such equipment in Divisional and National events. Requests will be handled on a case- by-case basis.
New car makes, types and models will be classified by the SEB as soon as sufficient information is available to do so. The SEB may reclassify a car within the 12-month period following its initial classification, without the approval of the Board of Directors. “Initial classification” includes the addition of a new listing on an exclusion list. Initial classification is inclusive of a new listing on an exclusion list.
3.3 VEHICLE SAFETY 3.3.1 Driver Restraints
Seat lap belts are required in all cars, and must be installed in cars with passive restraint systems that do not include a lap belt. Installation and the use of shoulder belts or harnesses is strongly recommended, how- ever non-factory upper body restraints may only be used in open cars,
cars with targa-tops in the open position, or cars with T-tops in the open position when two conditions are met:
a. The roll structure must meet either the requirements of Appendix C or the Club Racing General Competition Rules (GCR) 9.4.
b. The top of the roll structure may not be below the top of the driver’s helmet when the driver is in the normal driving position.
3.3.2 Roll Bars
Roll bars or roll cages are strongly recommended in all cars. A roll bar meeting the requirements of Appendix C or a roll cage meeting the requirements of Section 9.4 of the Club Racing General Competition Rules (GCR) is required in all A Modified (AM), B Modified (BM), C Modified (CM), and F Modified (FM) vehicles and all open cars in Pre- pared Category, D Modified (DM) class, and E Modified (EM) class. The intent of this requirement is that all open cars using racing slicks (non-DOT tires) must at a minimum have roll bars which meet Appen- dix C, regardless of Regional variations in category definitions and/or preparation allowances. For open cars in the Stock, Street Prepared, Street Touring, and Street Modified categories, the roll bar or roll cage height may be reduced from Appendix C or GCR 9.4 requirements to the highest possible height which fits within an installed factory-speci- fied hardtop or convertible top.
Double-hoop roll bars must fasten properly to the chassis/unibody as required by Appendix C, particularly at attachment points in the center of the car.
3.3.3 Safety Inspections
All vehicles must pass safety inspection on the following points prior to competing. Entry fees, if already paid, will be refunded if a car fails to pass safety inspection. Safety inspection is not concerned with the legality of a car.
The organizing Region may at its discretion provide an advisory inspec- tion for vehicle classification and legality, in connection with technical inspection.
A. Annual Inspection (optional)
An Annual Safety Inspection for a calendar year may be available for vehicles presented for inspection by an SCCA member. When a ve- hicle has completed the requirements for an Annual Safety Inspec- tion, an official Annual Tech card will be issued to allow Registration or other designated event officials to verify Annual Tech prior to the start of competition. An official Region SCCA Annual Tech sticker shall be placed on the vehicle in a location that will be visible to the starter when the vehicle approaches the start line for a com- petitive run. If the Annual Tech sticker has been removed, the card may be used to obtain a replacement. Alternatively, individual event tech stickers can be issued when the Annual Tech card is presented
rather than the issuance of an Annual Tech sticker. The Annual Tech should be honored for all SCCA sanctioned Solo events in that Re- gion. The following conditions apply to all Regional implementations of Annual Tech:

  1. Regions have the option of placing additional restrictions on the Annual Tech process, such as limiting the classes allowed and/or restricting it to experienced drivers.
  2. The Annual Tech inspection must be conducted by an experi- enced inspector appointed by the Regional Solo chairperson. It is strongly recommended the Region Tech Inspector appoint and train an adequate number of assistants.
  3. The SCCA member presenting the vehicle for inspection is re- quired to possess a current copy of the National Solo Rules.
  4. The vehicle should be presented for Annual Tech in the same con- dition in which it will compete.
  5. It is the responsibility of all competitors in a vehicle with an An- nual Tech approval to verify that all items in section 3.3.3 are in compliance.
  6. The event technical inspector or chairperson may require a ve- hicle be presented for a re-inspection if there is good reason to believe that a vehicle is not in compliance with section 3.3.3.
  7. A vehicle must be re-inspected if modifications are made to the car after receiving an Annual Tech approval.
    An official SCCA Annual Tech sticker may be affixed to helmets meet- ing the current standards in order to easily identify eligible helmets.
    B. Inspection Requirements
  8. All loose items, inside and outside the car, must be removed. Hand held items, such as but not limited to, cameras and cell phones are considered loose items.
  9. Passenger’s seat back and all cushions, bolsters, headrests, etc. must be secured. All allowed aftermarket replacement seats (i.e. driver and passenger) must be securely and safely mounted. Spe- cial care should be taken when using other than OE mounting points and/or fabricated bracketry.
  10. Any cameras, if installed, must be securely mounted to withstand loads from driving maneuvers. The camera may be installed either inside or on the outside of the car. In either case, its mounting meth- od and position must not interfere with driving or pose an additional hazard to driver, passenger, or course workers.
  11. Snap-on hubcaps, detachable fender skirts, and trim rings must be removed.
  12. Wheels must be safely affixed. They shall not be reversed so that the lughole taper does not mate with the chamfer of the lugs. All studs and lug nuts must be present and functional.
  13. Tires must be in good condition, with no cord or belts showing or cracks in the tread or sidewall. Each tire must have measurable (i.e. exhibiting positive measurement values) tread depth at no less than two points on the tire which are 180 degrees apart around the cir- cumference, and which are within the center one-half of the tread surface that normally contacts the ground. Tires may not have cord visible at any time during competition. For categories other than Pre- pared and Modified, tires may not be regrooved, nor may grooves be added to the tread pattern where none existed on the original tire.
  14. Seat belts (and harnesses if used) must be properly installed with at- taching hardware, in good condition, secure, tight, and in compliance with Section 3.3.1.
  15. Throttle return action shall be safe and positive.
  16. No excessive fuel, oil, water or brake fluid leaks should be observed when the engine is running. For all Prepared and Modified catego- ry vehicles, engine crankcase and radiator overflow/breather lines must terminate in containers of at least one quart capacity. These containers cannot be vented into the driver/passenger compartment. All Prepared and Modified category vehicles must be equipped with an engine oil vent tank and an engine coolant vent tank if coolant is used. Vent tanks are not required with systems which are completely closed, i.e. have no venting to the atmosphere. All oil lines passing through the driver/passenger compartment shall be made of metal braided hose with AN Series threaded couplings or entirely covered and protected with a metal cover (this does not apply to the small oil lines used for mechanical oiling system gauges).
  17. Steering “spinner” knobs shall not be permitted.
  18. No broken or missing spokes or more than one loose spoke per wheel shall be permitted in wire wheels. No cracks shall be permitted in disc or cast wheels. Other than standard parts as defined by these rules, non-metallic wheel construction is prohibited (FSAE cars are exempt from this requirement since the FSAE rules allow non-metal- lic wheels).
  19. Brakes must have an adequate pedal, sufficient fluid in the master cylinder, and no apparent hydraulic leaks under pressure. Vehicles must have a brake mechanism acting upon each wheel. The brak- ing system shall be a dual system, arranged in a manner to provide braking for at least two wheels in the event of failure in part of the system. In the case of OE single systems, this requirement may be satisfied by a functional, redundant emergency brake. Karts are ex- empt from this requirement.
  20. All swing axle cars, except Porsche, must have a camber compen- sator, have negative camber on the rear wheels, or have axle-limiting straps. Standard pre-1967 Volkswagen straps are not sufficient.
  21. Wheel bearings, shocks, steering, and suspension shall be in good operating condition.
  22. Exhaust must exit behind driver or to the side of the car.
  23. On-board starters shall be provided.
  24. Any wet-cell battery moved from the manufacturer’s original loca- tion shall be in a non-conductive, marine-type container or equiva- lent and the “hot” terminal shall be insulated. All batteries (on-board power supplies) shall be attached securely to the frame or chassis structure independent of the marine-type container. NOTE: This will allow the use of gel cell or dry cell (AGM) batteries without a non- conductive, marine-type container where applicable.
  25. Roll bars, if installed, must meet the applicable portions of 3.3.2 and Appendix C with specific attention to roll bar height.
  26. Helmets for all occupants of the vehicle are to be inspected for con- dition, fit, and compliance with section 4.3.1 Driver’s Safety Equip- ment - Helmets.
  27. Flex fans are not allowed.
  28. Alcohol may not be used in manifold injection or spray bottles un- less it is specified for this use by the OEM.
  29. For cars competing on non-DOT-approved tires, the vehicle safety requirements as referenced in each category rule set, in addition to those in mandatory sections of the Solo Rules, shall be adhered to by all entrants.
    3.3.4 Vehicle Operating Condition
    Any car that is judged by the Event Chairman to be in an unsafe operat- ing condition at any time during the event shall be barred from further competition until the deficiency is corrected to the satisfaction of the Chief Technical Inspector.
    The SEB may designate limited availability option packages as inap- propriate for the Stock Category even though the base car is eligible for Stock. Such exclusions will be included in Appendix A (Automobile Classes).
    3.5 MUFFLERS
    Adequate mufflers are required for Solo events. The criterion of “ad- equacy” is not what the exhaust system consists of, but the sound level. Any car deemed by the Event Chairman or his designated representa- tive to be excessively loud shall not compete without acceptable modi- fications installed on the car.

Looks to be more of a hassle. Mid-night parking lot racing it is.

We’ve discussed allowing some non-conventional vehicles into events, but we finally figured out it would fubar our event insurance. Most of our sites just aren’t smooth enough to run karts/buggies on safely, even if we wanted to allow them.

There off road buggies just with street tires on them for now. Underboosted is running a 377 sled engine, I am running a 07’ GXSR600 engine, the last thing we are worried about is what were driving on lol.

I was thinkin about runnin the truck.

It’s more about the insurance costs and liability that SCCA has to have for each event than what your vehicle can traverse. Unfortunate yes because they’d likely be a hoot, but SCCA has to limit certain things to protect the event as a whole :slight_smile:

I also want to do some rally dirt action with it.

That’s more like it :slight_smile: Bring them to the next PSCC RX event on Oct3rd. (About an hour south of Albany) I don’t know what class you’d be able to run, but these are some of the most laid back and welcoming folks around and the course is a blast! And some fast ass shit on the dirt too!

If you’d like I can contact the guys and see what they say about these things…

If you could that would be great. I’m really looking to do somthing with it besides just going around the yard and down the street.

bring it up here with you sunday bro. theres a shit ton of trails to ride on and shit, just don’t get caught. :slight_smile:

Yea thats the problem. We rather ride where theres no issue.

They wouldnt catch me at 140mph anyways :ninja

I’ll chit chat with them in a few weeks. I’ll be at all three remaining events with the stupidroo regardless(oct 3rd, nove 14ths, dec 5th) so I’d be neat to see you guys there :slight_smile:

Bring it to a drift event :lol

Thats all mine would do :ahh

well bring it up sunday anyway and i’ll ride it and not get caught. :rofl :rofl