auto x tommorrow

Mine too! Who would have guessed they really do violate you with cones? And sheesh, some of them guys are pretty rough, too…

sorry to hear that, lyndon :frowning:

here’s a gay hug from one auto-xer to another.

No problem, as part of this year’s sponsorship program, I’m officially sponsored by Tuck’s Medicated Pads- so it’s covered. :thumbup

Thanks, man! :hug

Says the guy with the photoshopped picture of burnout marks…hmmmm no sir… your gay.

That was the break. Russ tried to be nice by not making you/him leave the site and this is the thanks he gets. Nice.

HAHAHAHAHA. No. I was bustin balls dude, Im not some 17yr old that cant drive:thumbup

What does me driving a V8 have anything to do with the equation?? It seems more times than not the 4/6cyl guys set out to prove something. Idc if my car gets beat, always gonna be somethin faster…

LOL. You crack me up old man. My car, unlike yours, has a little power, and is capable of making marks like that. Ill come show ya where I did em, and show ya another one if ya want! Maybe you could take some notes…

Do you listen to yourself? My 2 point slow jetta can make burnout marks like that. It doesn’t take skill or power to burnout…you numb nut faggot.
It also doesn’t change the fact that it’s a photoshopped picture, get a life…I’d rather be the intelligent old man that I am…than an immature child like some of yourselves.


tom didnt you say your car was in the 12’s, too?


The scirocco was a twelve second car…till i blew the motor…hahaha

Oh man, how did you score that phat sponsorship? jealousy Eh, well, i had a good time, as always. Nobody ran over me, which is always a plus.

so whats your new race/auto X car?

Insurance companies and lawyers don’t understand the concept of a “break”. I agree, kind of sucks, but that’s adulthood. Legalities usually put a damper on all sorts of things.

Thanks for coming out and trying it. Some people like it, some don’t, and that’s fine.

where are the pics ? i want to see my smoke show

what a politically correct response!!!:clap

Youre dumb. Its not shopped, hell I dont even know HOW to PS, nor do I own the program. So please, feel free to remove yourself from my nuts.

Like I said before, I was just kidding, and was trying to get a rise out of Kramer. But of course you prance in here and get all butt hurt about it… sorry if I offended you, and your “sport”.

And it does take power to do burnouts like that on slicks.