
Every event is a beginner’s event!

Seriously though, I just started this summer and it really is true that the magic words “I’m a novice” get you lots of smiles and handshakes and OG’s aka instructors to walk the course with you in the morning, make sure you go to the right places at the right times, help you get through the course, and have a ton of fun.

I’ve also found out that the only way you can really embarass yourself at an autocross is to do something careless and/or negligent that endangers the safety of others and/or their property.

Just show up at an event at 8:30am with like 45 psi in your tires, empty everything (including floor mats) from your car, start walking the course, mention to someone else walking the course that you’re a n00b and would like to follow them through it if they don’t mind, take your car through tech inspection when it opens at 9, and from there just pay attention and do what everyone else does.

Keep searching though, there is a lot of info on here with good reading on how to be a noob.