Automatic to Manual Swap?

If you are going to do it, pay off the car first. I did my auto->manual swap when I still owed on the car. Probably could have had the thing paid off way ahead of time and then done the swap feeling better about my financial situation.

If you’re not going to do the work yourself don’t bother. Like everyone said sell the car and just buy a manual version.

That being said… I love my manual swap and it was worth it. Although it has kinks still that I’m just too lazy to fix.

yeah, like i said i just wanted to get a feel for how much a thing like this costs, this car is what i decided would be practical to get me through college (lmao, i bought a 9 year old DSM convertible…what was i thinking?) but yeah im not modding this out much anyways because being its a automatic other than maybe a cold air intake…what else is worth it? nothing really lol, oh well, i guess in 4 years or so when this car is done ill just buy a new one, who knows…maybe play the lottery…buy a new car or two…u never know lol